chapter 8 tea

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“Damn the navy is gonna us if we get hit anymore” I told everyone while Ussop was below deck fixing up holes.
I gotta think of something to protect Sanji and everyone else. I mean not Sanji well yeah Sanji and every one else. Ahhh whats wrong with me.

“Are you ok?” Sanji asks me.
“Ye- yeah um by the way I can’t swim and the navy is trying to sink us” I played it off wooh.

“ Don’t worry later I will teach you” he told me which would be helpless cause devil fruit powers and all but I still said thanks.

Whispering metal-metal I swing my giant chain towards giant spikes that were coming at the merry and swung them away as we made our escape.

Everybody was exhausted after all that went down in Alabasta and the navy and some chick named Robin is on our boat now so yeah. Damn I am tired.

“Hey y/n here’s some medicine for you to take after passing out in the desert heat it should help you recover to 100 percent” cute little chopper said handing me a jar of pills.
“Aww thank you” I really was grateful.

“y/n would you like some herbal tea” Sanji asked a bit too sweetly.
“Umm sure” I said, making my voice a little bit deeper.

No ones pov

“Here’s your drink” Sanji said, handing y/ns drink to her while holding back heart eyes because he knew you were a girl. 
As y/n drank Sanji sat beside her and drank something he made too.
The two watched the sunset not knowing each other's love for eachother as y/n was still clueless her secret was out.

Sanji x Reader (Finished And Has A Lemon)Where stories live. Discover now