Chapter 1

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My breath hitched as I took in the sight I'm seeing. My mind went from blank to total panic, not being be able to process the thoughts that we're swirling around my mind. This is way beyond my comfort zone. Large crowds are nothing compared to people just passing by you like earlier outside this place. I knew this would happen and yet I still could not handle my worst fear. And by I mean fear, not the crowd and especially not the girls.

My leg shook as I tried taking a step but it seems that that would be impossible when I once again made eye contact with just one male amidst the crowd of students. I turned my attention anywhere else and tried moving somewhere that'll make me invincible from anyone. Other than that, they're from rich families which isn't really making me feel good right now. I should be thankful they're attention isn't on me anymore after entering the place.

I bit my lip and look down on the shiny floor below me. I'm definitely pathetic.

As a girl born into a family with all females and entered an all girl's school, I had inherited great nervousness towards males. But it's not like I haven't interacted with males before. I may just had developed great fear based on my experiences. Getting bullied back then on elementary years because of how I'd instantly get nervous when someone tries to talk with me and I'd just respond in a straightforwardly manner.

I'm a nervous wreck.

My quietness might also be one of the reasons boys tease me, I mean a quiet behavior could also mean weak right? Why else would they bother me? I do look helpless.And when puberty slowly swallowed me, I'd always get conscious about myself especially around boys. Of course, that's normal but I think it might've been different for me. Usually surrounded by girls at home, an introvert, shy, and a silent girl. With all of these qualities, it stopped me from believing in myself.

Is that why I got swallowed in the tightening wall? Because I didn't even tried breaking through?

That might be it.

That's why today is the day I fight my fears. At least I'll try.

Cooking is one of the best qualities my family and I have, and that's the only thing I could think of when it comes to being good at something. But I know I'm not that good at it. I mean, I'm sure even ordinary chefs can surpass me.

Still feeling conscious of myself, I stood hidden among all the youngsters, glad that even my physical appearance wouldn't attract as much males nor anyone. I'm just a quiet extra in the background and I'm well-satisfied with that. Not long enough, a loud voice spoke throughout the whole room. It was a female's voice and instantly, comfort washed over me.

Averting my eyes to the person who spoke, I took in the posture of the person. She seemed timid with her short  purple locks, cleanly hanging above her shoulder and styled straightly.

"Thank you for settling down. To start off, welcome to Totsuki Culinary School. " The purple head started, gripping down the clipboard she had been carrying. "This is where the entrance exam shall be held for those who wish to study in this school and as for the judge-"

The purple haired girl paused on her sentence as a stunning lady appeared, walking towards beside the purple haired girl.

The crowd let out an inaudible chattering and whispers as well as gasps. I took in the sight of the sea of students with confusion.

Are we in trouble?

I nearly paled as I realized I'd get in trouble right away. I darted my attention back in front of me, focusing on the person that just appeared. Blonde hair, purple orbs-


I slowly widened my eyes as I realized who this person is.

"W-why is she here?"

"She's the judge?!"

"This can't be right..."

"It's Nakiri Erina?!"

The reactions of the crowding students mirrored my emotions. Sweat trickled down my face as I gripped on the fabric of my uniform. Biting my lip, I thought.

A big challenge right away?!

"I will be the judge of this exam..." She stated, stopping beside the purpled haired girl. Her eyes gazed back and forth amongst the crowd of young chefs as she continued her next sentence. "Totsuki won't be needing good-for-nothing chefs, if you would keep that in mind." She pointed out, crossing her arms as her eyes showed disinterest.

Nakiri Erina, also being called upon having the God's Tongue. Magnificent, isn't it? Being a young chef myself, I've read about The God's Tongue and the family of Nakiri. It is said that only from the most luxurious dish and professional chefs can satisfy the God's Tongue. Having that information known to me is now getting into my head.

If she's the judge, she's going to have to taste my dish for me to be able to enter Totsuki...

Negative thoughts dared to swarm my mind as I shook it off. Shaking my head with closed eyes, I retracted my thoughts.

It's okay, you're going to be fine. You've spent your whole life in the kitchen, studied a lot about cooking and...

I lifted open my eyes, bombarding myself with determination.

This is a chance for me to rise up in the culinary world!

All that determination almost went crashing down once Nakiri Erina spoke.

"You will be making a dish, and egg as it's main ingredient. If you ever failed to satisfy me, you know it all well how it's going to end. If you wish to withdraw, I'm giving you ten seconds to walk out of this room."

Yes, that determination almost went crashing down because of how harsh she sounded. She's one tough chef.

Either way, that didn't fuel my intention to go back the way it is as I stayed on my spot. Hearing her instructions wasn't that bad. This isn't something I should be scared of. I've totally got this!

But unfortunately, people get easily swayed by fear as I felt the bumping of shoulders that kept colliding with mine. Students running off towards the exit, I stayed loyal to my spot. Eyes widened as I took the feeling of disbelief.

They just- Wha-

I turned my head hurriedly behind, focusing towards the exit. I could still see the fading swarm of students scramming out of the area. Either screaming or shouting words to get out of the school. A chill went crawling up my whole body as the previous nervousness dared to haunt me again. Turning my head up ahead, I soon noticed I wasn't alone. But at this point, I wouldn't know if it's a good thing or not.

Standing up ahead was a red-headed male student.

I signed up for this, now I must face it.

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