met her

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I was walking in the middle of the road bare foot. I did this quite often, it gave me time to observe the tings around me. I looked through my glasses and saw a cluster of clouds above my head. I walked on. and began to run when a clap of thunder so loud it made a bare tree shake roughly. I ran and ran until I reached my house. We lived in a small "neighborhood", or a very spread out neighborhood.  I walked to my door but stopped in my trikes. I saw out of the corner of my eye a man start to pace up the dirt path way to the woods behind my house. I tried to convince my self maybe he was just going into the woods like I do most of the time. But I count get that sticky cold sweat to stop budding at the base of my neck. Or the shiver that ran throe out my cold, pale body. another bone shaking clap of thunder sent me running in side. Once I was inside it donned upon me that my door was unlocked.  that is the second unusual thing that's happened to day. my door is never unlocked when nobodies home. I quickly brushed it off and went upstairs to take a shower. I walked in to my gray walled room and marveled at the sight of my cat. She's so pretty, with her gray fur and black paws, also her stern but loving blue eyes. I walked past my lazy cat, that spared across my bed. and went to the bathroom. I started the water and started to undress. I looked in the mirror and pulled back in disgust. I had pale skin, but not the pretty cream pale skin, no I hand blotchy skin almost the color of a ghost. and along with my ugly completion I had rosy cheeks that made me look embarrassed all the time.  away from my color I had hazel eyes that dulled my face and lips that were full but nero, my face was not proportioned right. to go along with my treacherous face I had long legs that made me taller than the rest, I wasn't even skinny. after my moment of self lothing I jumped in to the shower.
 I wasted my Friday afternoon and night, hating my self and being creped out by the man and thunder.

soon it was Monday and I dreaded school. I woke to the sound of a car being slammed shut and yelling. I rested my head back on the pillow. "Why must my parents hate each other" I moaned out as I slumped out of my gray comforter and dark blue sheets. I grabbed a beany to mask the back of my tangled hair and slipped on a pair of skinny jeans and a sweat shirt. ugh. half way to the school grounds I saw a drug store. "and this is why eyes are the best organ" I said with a smirk as I headed to the store. once in I slipped a pack of cigarettes in my pocket and by a bottle of Advil. once I leave the store undetected from the clerk that I stole the cigs, I pop open the cooler that's out side the store that hold all the alcohol. I take one and leave "psh, $1 for a beer". I start to walk away from the school and towards the woods that surrounds this town. "just goanna ditch?" I hear a voice says. "yeah... not really  feeling like going through hell today" I replied to Aaron. "Bryer wait up I wanna come"


Okay so this is my creepypasta, please when i finish spread the word about her. okay i love you my incomniacs.

OH! sorry if you feel the need to draw the charicter or fanart send it to me over gmail

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