Midwich Elementary School

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Lilly opens her eyes, feeling disoriented by the dream she just saw. But not only that, she found herself lying down on an old wooden floor in some kind of room.

"What the fuck?" She tries to get up, but her body felt stiff and her head felt as though it was constantly being hit by hammers.

Lacking the strength to get on her knees to stand, she instead rolls over to where she is facing the wooden floor. That way, she could push herself up in a sitting position.

Slowly, she leans forward a bit. Trying to think about the events that occurred in the dream. All she could focus on was the person standing by the edge of that boardwalk, watching her, and leaving her to die. She felt a surge of anger, but it was cut short by her headache.

Lilly looks around her, trying to get her bearings, and getting a general idea of where she was.

Not only was it just a room, but it was a classroom. One that's usually used in elementary. Though it looked like no one has been around for years.

The whole room looked covered by a layer of some kind of powdery substance, at first she assumed it was just chalk dust that has somehow landed everywhere. But on second analysis, she recognized the smell of ashes.

Finally regaining enough energy, she manages to stand up. The first thing she approaches is the window, which seemed to have rusted stuck in a half opened state.

Outside was a dense fog with ash particles falling from above. Lilly tried to see what else was outside of the school, but the fog was so dense, all she could see was the street down bellow, and the back of a school sign.

Lilly checks her clothes, pockets, or the classroom around her to at least find a clue as to what is going on. All she found was a coin purse, some car keys, and college ID. On the ID was a picture of her, and her name. But only her first name was visible, the rest of it was covered by a black substance that she couldn't get off the card. Other details were also blocked out by the black substance, such as addresses, phone numbers, and names.

None of this made sense, she could not recall any college, or memory of her having a photo taken.

Seeing as there was nothing left inside the classroom, she walked towards a wooden door. On the door, where glass would normally be, there was a metal plate covering it.

With nothing left to see, she opens the door, which lead to a hallway full of doors, lockers, and papers scattered on the ground.

Lilly looks left and right, seeing if there was any exit sign or map to indicate where she was. To which, she found herself in luck. On the ground was a map of the school. It had a layout of all the corridors, hallways, classrooms, and stairs. Convinently, there was a working ballpen right next to it.

She picked it up, and drew a red circle on the spot  where she woke up, making it her starting point.

On the bottom right of the map was a faded, but still eligible text.

"Midwich Elementary School."

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2020 ⏰

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