STARDUST challenge 6 (Guarding a Hazard)

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I laid in my bed and turned off my halo so that I could fall asleep.

I couldn't sleep though. I sighed and rolled over to my side and turned my halo back on. I then sat up and looked around my room. I then reached for my TV remote that laid on the arm of my couch. I turned my TV on and saw Peter asleep. I sighed, its good he can sleep.

Peter was my charge. I was his guardian angel... and he was the sweetest thirteen-year-old boy ever... what's the harm in that?


"Honey!" Peter's mom called out to Peter. "Where are you going?"

"I'm going to the skatepark with some friends," Peter said as he tightened his helmet around his head. I stood next to Peter, invisible.

"Okay, but be careful," Peter's mom told him.

"Okay, I promise... Love you, bye!" Peter called as he ran toward the door. I ran out with him and saw Peter's friends outside. They all had skateboards and helmets and kneepads and so on... I then looked at Peter, who was rather excited.

They then started skating to the skatepark. I floated swiftly along. Once we arrived at looked at the other guardian angels who were guarding their charges.

"Did any of you bring a first-aid kit?" I asked. They all looked at me and shook their head. I nodded slowly and watched as Peter started skateboarding.

"Have any of you guys tried that new skateboard move? I think it was called the double jump slide..." One of Peter's friends said.

"No," They all said in unison.

"Me neither," Peter's friend said. "I think I'm really nervous to try that move."

They all looked at each other, wondering who was going to try the move—

"I'll do it!" Peter said as he raised his hand.

"No, no—" I whispered in Peter's ear.

"Yeah, if the trick works, then we can do it, but if I get hurt... then that means we can't, easy-peezy," Peter said.

"No!" I tried again, giving Peter another thought in his head, trying to convince him not to try the trick.

He didn't listen to me and put his skateboard on the ground and faced the hollow ramps at the skatepark. I put my head in my hands as I stood next to him. Peter didn't even look scared. I checked his thoughts...

I don't want them to get hurt doing this move... so I'll take the pain for them if I fall. What could happen?  Peter's mind asked.

"You're way to nice, you know that?" I murmured to myself. I then adjusted my halo over my head and readied myself for what was about to happen.


"What happened?" Peter's mom asked as me and Peter limped inside the house. Of course, Peter had a couple bruises, while I had a gash in my leg. No one knows guardian angels get hurt more... but they do. I shuddered.

"I fell trying to do some new trick or something... I'm okay though. It didn't hurt as bad as I thought," Peter said.

I wanted to strangle him.

I took a deep breath and walked with him to the cupboard to grab the first aid kit. I took my halo off my head and saw that it cracked, and the light was flickering. I guess I have to get a new halo. I sighed and put my halo back above my head.

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