[P3] Reader x Ryoji Mochizuki "Black"

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Tears streamed from [y/n]'s face as the boy in front of her continued to persuade her. He kept saying he wanted to die, that he needed to die, and then everyone would be safe. All [y/n] could do was shake her head in disbelief.

Things can't really be like this right?

How cruel.

[y/n] sighed and all of a sudden, her sobs stopped. She stared at Ryoji with sad, yet determined eyes. "Are... You sure?" She asked once more.

Ryoji nodded. "Please, [y/n]-chan. I love you but... I don't want you all to die."

[y/n] nodded quietly as her last tear fell from her eye. "Let's... Make this quick."


[y/n] woke up from her sleep about a month later, sweating profusely. She had gotten dressed and brushed her hair, going down to the first floor of the dorm. It was a Sunday, so mostly everyone was gathered there, watching TV or reading a book. [y/n] sat down next to Yukari, her face gloom.

"What's wrong, [y/n]-chan?" Yukari asked, lowering her phone to give [y/n] her attention.

"I... I had this dream. We fought these things called shadows and someone I really loved wanted me to kill him so we can stop fighting and live normal lives. And... And i... I killed him." 

"Oh, that sounds rough. Well hey, just remember that its just a dream." Yukari said simply, going back to her phone.

But, to [y/n] it didn't feel like a dream. It felt so vivid. She turned her head to look at the TV as the reporter talked about a rise in apathy syndrome. [y/n] was easily bored though, and as she began to daydream, she felt a hand on her shoulder, lightly gripping it. She turned to see who it was; but no one was there. 

I still love you [y/n]-chan

Soon all she saw was black.

[To be continued?]

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 08, 2015 ⏰

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