Dalli & Aki Meet

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(We're doing this chronologically, b a b i e- Every paragraph is a switch between people.)

Aki drinks coffee.

Dalli hurried into the cafe, looking behind her worriedly, and she scanned the room for a seemingly friendly face, "Excuse me, sir?" She stepped to Aki, brushing he hand through her hair, "This is going to sound... inconvenient, but could I sit next to you and read my book? I think I'm being followed and I just want to make sure I'm not real quick."

He'd nod, pointing to a seat next to him. "Suit yourself."

She politely sat besides him, making sure to try and not intrude too much into his space as she opened her book, peeking over it anxiously and still trying to read. "How's your day going?" She questions, lowering the book a little.

"Sorry, what?" He says, removing his earphones from his ears slowly.

She sighs, closing her book, realizing she's not going to be able to read, but still peeks out the windows. "How's your day going?"

"Messy, but why do you care?"

She paused, before shrugging, "It's courtesy, I guess-" She laughed quietly to herself, "I guess you probably don't really care about that though, huh?" She spots the person through the window and lifts her book, watching them warily.

"You're right." He paused. "Nothing matters anyway." He slowly puts on his earphones again.

She put her book down as the person passed, eyeing the man, before tapping his shoulder lightly.

He closes his eyes and opens them as he felt his shoulder being tapped. He looks at her. "What is it? You can see I'm busy, can't you? Look, you just came out of nowhere."

She grinned, almost mischievously, "Thought you said nothing mattered? What're you listening to?"

He wanted to be violent but he controlled his temper. "What else? Music. Helps the depressed mind, all right?" He replied, almost rolling his eyes.

She nodded, "Well yeah, but what kind of music? Like, what band?" She asked curiously. "I might know a band you'll also enjoy, depending."

He exhales heavily. He thought about several ways to forcefully get her to leave him alone. He bites his lip. "Classical music. Mozart, Bach."

She pauses, "Wait- seriously? That's- I was expecting some edgy like, MCR or something, but classical? It's not my favourite genre, but I actually practiced viola for like, four years-!" She puts a hand over her mouth and then pauses, untying her hair and putting it in a braid. "I mean- uh- h-how sophisticated?"

He brushes his hair backwards. "Do you have a problem with my music taste, hm?" He sighs, "I don't blame you either. It's out of the world at these times."

She pauses, "No! Not at all-" She sighs, "Of course you wouldn't remember them, nobody does..." She takes a deep breath, "A viola is an instrument in classical orchestras- sir I used to practice these songs for fun." She clarifies, obviously having to explain this many times.

He closed his eyes and stretches his arms. "I know what a viola is. My mother got me one before she—" he paused and opened his eyes. "Passed."

She frowned, "Your mom...?"

He sat up. "Everyone have moms. I do too. What's the matter with mine?" He looks at her with an annoyed expression.

She sighed, relieved, "Ohkay- I genuinely wasn't sure if you meant your mom or a test." She admits, "I thought it was a bit weird to bring up, but I'm also a bit dumb sometimes, so I wasn't sure." She backs away slightly, flustered.

"I..was just telling you that I know what a viola is..."

She tilted her head, narrowing her eyes and trying to think. "Well, that's good..." She let up, not wanting to press. "What's your favourite instrument?"

He thought of it for a while. "The piano," he said drily.

She nodded, "Personally, I think I prefer the cello." She looked at her bag, before smiling at him, "Have you ever played an instrument? You seem to know about one of the ones that gets confused a lot."

He looks at her "Yes, the violin and the piano. But I haven't played in two years."

She shrugs, "That's okay- I don't think my..." She stops to think about it, blinking, "... screw it! My fourth brother hasn't picked up his contrabass in years, but when we manage to scrape together a gathering he can still play. 'The heart never forgets,' y'know?" She looked around, and realized that the man whom she believed to be following her was gone, so she stood up. "Have a lovely day, mister. It's always nice to meet a new friend in a new location." She giggled, before heading out of the Rose Cafe, sweetly humming a small tune to herself as she left.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 23, 2020 ⏰

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