rat winter

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I am a rat
Like the one that hides in my closet
Or the one we caught in Mama's room.
I wonder if these rats is cold
Like us.
I wonder why they ain't go in somebody else house
A home with lights and heat and food to eat.
I hate the rat in my closet as much as the world hates me
Scorn it like Mama scorns me.
She say it's my fault the rats are here
And I reckon I'm just as dirty as them.
I caught a rat peeking from under my dresser.
I saw a rat nesting in a closet.
We caught a rat and drowned it in a bucket.
Laughed at it's war cries
As bleach and hot water filled it's tiny lungs
Life gave way
And we rejoiced at the entrance of death.
I holler a war cry every time I get strangled
Air evacuates my lungs and all I can feel is pressure.
As much as I scream, and need need need to breathe
I so desperately want death.
I am a rat
a hissing intruder
and nauseating sight
I am a rat and I only want to survive winter.

/MJ/ 14

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