The Sad Story Of Snoo

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The 9 months of Lala puking all over the Tubbydome were over. The agony she was in, all was worth it because today, she was about to have a 3rd child with her husband Tinky Winky to prove to that dry cunt Jerry Falwell that he was not gay. They had a black faced boy with snot green skin named Dipsy, and he was a cool dude, who had cool headwear choices. They also had a slightly dumber Cantonese girl with red skin named simply Po who was a failure who constantly talked quietly and rode her damn scooter all over to the annoyance of her parents. TW and LL said to each other "fuck it, we need another kid, one who won't be a dumbass with a scooter and one who won't be potential lawsuit fodder for Slash from Guns N Roses". So they set out to have a normal child and fucking hell that day had arrived! The baby sun goo gooed and gaa gaad with delight as she heard Lala start to push. Lala was as loud as someone who's seen Ghost Birb ;) Tinky Winky encouraged her. "C'mon Lala you have to get this kid out RIGHT FUCKING NOW!" So eventually through all the screaming the baby finally got out, and much to the tubbies' surprise, it was an abomination! It had large blood red eyes with no pupils, no nose, and a dank ass antenna that twirled around. "AH WTF LALA, DID YOU GET DRUNK ON THE MFING TUBBY CUSTARD THE NIGHT WE DID IT? DANG WIFE YOU FUCKED UP!! GET THIS THING OUT OF MY LIFE RIGHT NOW BEFORE I GO ALL TREVOR PHILLIPS ON YOU AND THE OTHER DUMMIES' ASSES!!" said Tinky Winky. "Fine Fine we'll put him somewhere he can stay". said Lala. "Wait a minute, I always hear about the Internet and these things called websites, and that people have shitloads of fun on them at stupid hours of the morning talking to people 4,000 miles away ;) I just might have an idea......." said TW with a smirk. "I will create a site that this thing will be locked into for the rest of time, and if he gets out, he will endure an epic Punishment day!" The Teletubbies decided to make this thing a mysterious back story and made a site they named Reddit to trap him into as punishment for ever being born. Dipsy named this thing Snoo one night when he was smoking a fat joint and the ruse was complete. Then the day finally came. TW grabbed Snoo by the throat and told him "Snoo, go serve your life's purpose, go become catchphrases for people every damn night before they say 'I should go now' ;)". Then TW threw Snoo into the website Reddit and he was forgotten for ages. He endured abuse on a constant diet of only Cake, and had to endure abuse from Cool Cat, Doge, yet to be named brown animal, and the 3 birbs who always got fangirled at way more than he did, even when he tried to give his patented hugs. The worst part was that his emotions were manipulated by people from opposite sides of the world trying to show how they felt at the moment. Finally, Snoo had enough and decided to destroy his family, and share the abuse he endured on the cruel website. But first he used his special abilities and magically went to Los Santos, San Andreas and hired Franklin Clinton, Michael De Santa and Trevor Phillips to take out his former family and let out his lifelong frustrations. The day came and the Tubbyworld got completely destroyed by Snoo and his 3 new friends, even the baby sun. While they were at it, they also destroyed Reddit and the constant supply of cake, flowers, sunglasses, and the other animals that bullied him. Snoo eventually settled in San Andreas and lived happily ever after. THE END!

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 24, 2020 ⏰

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