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Bm hay y'all what y'all doing here

Me we are waiting on lol to get here

Bm oh I'm hungry

Me they went to get me , you and , durk a burrito

Bm who paying

Me I asked and they went to go get it

Bm thank you nae

Me umm I have something to tell you and I'm telling you this because I don't want you to think I'm fucking your man

Bm what ???

Me umm me and her was this club and she saw Lil durk preforming and but we was talking those boys because they is a big fan of them so we was talking to them we herd our names called to come up on the stage and Lil durk said this my boo I would do eny thang for her and we out said to ride dark bikes and take pictures and got and they dark bike with durk and the TMZ came talking about oh durk this is your new boo and he asked us were was you and I said taking care of her child and me and I was about live and me and durk made a hand shake on we kiss each other hands and huge so that's all to tell so you want think that we are fucking

Bm thank for telling me because some bitches wouldn't told me all this shit you told me that really mean something to me a lot thank you again

Gd you should be thankful that she told you

Durk oh shit

Gd no bring yo ass in here

Durk nun going bettwen us

Bm I know she told me every thang and I'm glad y'all came in told thank y'all

Bd man look on TMZ hay girl

Me she know we told her

Bd why beat her ass

Me for what ???and give me my burrito

Bd here

Me were the other one

Bd its only 3 and I ate mines

Bm com down nae

Me well that was your or durk burrito he ate so I'm going to eat mines

Bm uh hell no you gone drive back and get mines

Bd anthor one right here

Bm well that gone be mines shid I don't know what durk gone eat

Me he can share with me

Bm your neak is purple


Bd a girl had suck her neak

Bm well she suked it pretty dame hard to be purple


Bm its hurt

Me no man when is lol getting here

Bd she miss lol the then the parents do

Bm I do miss my baby

Me well we are about to leave

Bd you are so rude you all ways coming over here to him

Me so bye

Durk when you coming back

Me around 2:30 and its 12:50 why tho

Durk we going back home

Me and ???

Durk I want you to help me to pack

Me OK why tho

Durk I got something to tell you

Me ok

lil durk and nyaWhere stories live. Discover now