A Good Snake

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When she awoke again, Raelynn was in a place she didn't recognize. The first thing she noticed was the grey walls and grey floors. On the whole, the place was just very grey. It was odd and strange considering she'd spent most of her life with the wild and bright colors of the Amazon forest. What brought her out of her ponderings was the sharp click of the safety being flicked off. Storm-grey eyes hardened into flint as she became more aware of her surroundings. 

Surrounded by unknown persons with large guns and black clothing, Raelynn's tail began to lash with an understandable amount of nerves. It was quiet and no-one made a sound, much less moved. With her hearing, Raelynn didn't so much as flinch as six new people appeared after rounding a corner. So, seeing as they weren't pointing any guns at her - large or small - she figured they were the elders of these people.

One man, with average looks and brown hair, stepped forward, moving around the armed men, and coming to stop a few feet from her. "Ma'am, how did you get here?"

His voice made her shiver, as it was full of bearly restained temper. "Here?" she asked, using a delicate finger to point to the stone colored floor that they were standing on. Tilting her head only slightly, and widening her eyes only a small fraction, perfected what her family had called the confused puppy dog face.

Behind the speaker, a grey-haired and dark-eyed man's lips twitched, though for the most part he and those he came with remained stoic. The man that had spoken to her though, didn't seem to find her innocent act funny or cute. In fact, he seemed rather annoyed.

"Yes, here. How did you get in here?" He snapped, pointing violently at the floor. 

Righting herself, Raelynn met the man's gaze and spoke softly. " The bright being."

That seemed to dumbfound the others. Those waving guns around started to lower their weapons, while those who had come with the speaker exchanged a look. "Why did this bright being bring you here?"

Her breath shuddered in her chest. Water tumbled from her eyes, as she wrapped her arms around herself, suddenly remembered that she wasn't clothed. Breathing out a harsh breath she spoke. "Second Chance. All dead. They are all gone. All gone. Gone. Gone. Gone, gone, gone."

Backing away from the man, her breath harsh and labored, her mind fogged as the memories of their death stained faces flashed across her eyes. Knees weakening she fell to the floor and curled into a fetal position. Unknown to her, those around her had many different reactions to her sudden burst of tears and following actions. 

The grey-haired and dark-eyed man, ordered someone to get a doctor, while a blonde-haired woman had someone get the girl some clothes. Speaker had ordered everyone to go back to work while SG-1 handled the intruder.  They hoped by the end of the day, they'd have everything figured out. 

~ ~ ~

After regaining her wits, Raelynn found herself in a new grey room with strange beds, weird mechanical things, and people wearing long white coats.  None of them seemed to be aware that she was in fact awake. "So, you got a name?" A voice asked.

Starting, she turned to her right seeing the silver-haired and dark-eyed man from before was leaning on the wall next to her bed. Raelynn tilted her head, opening her lips to speak before snapping them shut. Shaking her head, she scooted back taking in her surroundings once more. When her back hit the wall she paused and look down. Someone had dressed her. Her skin was covered, for the most part, a button-up shirt and a long flowy skirt which allowed her tail free.

A sigh caused her to look up, just in time to see the man take out a strange device, push a few buttons before putting the device to his ear.  He didn't say anything for a time, but suddenly he spoke. "Yeah, Daniel she's awake. Not talking either, not that I blame her. Can you and the others come down and see if she'll open up to one of you?"

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⏰ Last updated: May 08, 2021 ⏰

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