1st Blow: Harmony Records (?)

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I decided to make Rhen a songster.

1st Blow: Harmony Records (?)

*someone humming*

“Such a lullaby!”

*continues humming*

“Oh-mi-goddy! This is ANGELIC! Where does this voice come from!?” *starts looking around*

*stops humming* “Oh! Druid Vohu Manah! Huff. You scared the life out me!”

“Rhen Darzon!?”


“You’re the one who’s humming earlier!?” *asks with curious-cat eyes*


*abruptly holds Rhen’s hands* 

“Yes? Druid?”

*searches in pockets and finally hands a business card*

*stares at the business card* “Urm, yes?”

*already disappeared*


Location: Hermit’s Cottage (Inside)

Rhen opened the window and breathed heavily.

I…I chose this path. To be a hermit. And am I regretting for it now?

Rhen almost shed a tear. She yearned for every thing that she once had. Her normal life as a Darzon. Danny. Ma & Pa. Marion bells. And, and all. Even the thrilling life she had had in Shadwood. But now. All was lost. For her.

If only. If only I could get another more time of fantasy…

Rhen stared at the starry firmament for about an hour—sailing in her own flashbacks. But these mild flashbacks didn’t last for long. They fled away from her as the whole cottage blacked out.

“Huff. The candle!” Rhen sighed as she started searching for another candle in the dark. She searched all over the table with her purple-nailed hand. Something sharp touched Rhen’s hand. She found out that it had a rectangle shape.

So, she held it and opened the cottage door. The only thing she could use to see now is the tedious moonlight. She sat gently on the grass and started reading the business card.

Rhen’s dull eyes widened. The topic of the card says, “Harmony Records”.

“Harmony Records. Vohu Manah, the Druid of Music. Address: Land’s End Temple (Harmony Temple), Land’s End, Eastern Kingdom. Have an angelic voice? Join us at Harmony Records,” Rhen read aloud to herself.

She thought for a moment. 

The druid heard my humming and thought that I have such a Britney-voice? Ha! That is foolish. Rhen laughed. She had never seen herself as a good singer. And becoming a singer? Not even in her dreams. Singing isn’t even her hobby.

And she hummed earlier with no purpose. She was bored that time and she just hummed because she was jaded. No purpose at all.

“But the Druid thinks I have a gift of blow?” Rhen laughed again.

But wait. Do I, do I really have…that whatsoever gift? 

Rhen scratched her head. Should she join that Record as she was bored unemployed? Or shouldn’t she?

“Arrgh! Kaput! Let’s sleep over it!” Rhen groaned as she made her way to her bed.

Once again, when she saw her poor bed, which has lots of holes in the blanket, she was even more saddened. “OMG! I hate this life!”

Location: Land’s End (A water-fall in the south of Harmony Temple)

Rhen sat dully on the tree stump without noticing herself that she was humming once again. 

A voice appeared behind her which she surely knew that is the Druid’s.

“Good morning Rhen Darzon!” Druid Vohu Manah greeted with a big grin.

Rhen stood up swiftly and greeted back with a warm smile. Druid smiled back.

“So?” Druid spoke up. Rhen gazed at the Druid.

“So, have you decided about joining ‘Harmony Records’?” Druid asked with a hopeful tone. Rhen was alerted.

Yeah right! Last night! Harmony Records. 

“Druid. Do you mean by that I have, what you call, angelic voice?” Rhen asked.

“Yes, you do have it.” Druid answered without any hesitating and still smiling. 

Rhen stood still calmly for a while which made the Druid discerned all her feelings that she felt inside.

“I know how you’re feeling these days, Rhen Darzon. You rejected all and led as a hermit. Which is a total falsity.” Druid said to Rhen.

Rhen’s eyes went even duller, “I, I was so wrong to DO this, I know. I should have gone to Thais or gone with Lars or gone back to Danny. But now, all is lost.” Rhen said as regret-tears streamed down from her mauve eyes. 

Druid hugged Rhen tenderly and patted Rhen’s head gently, “Don’t cry, child. You’ve been a very good girl! You even saved the world from a devil’s hand! And why cry just about being ‘bored’?” Druid soothed her. 

But Rhen even sniveled louder as if a ravenous child.

“Rhen. Do you want to become a singer?” Druid asked Rhen as he rubbed Rhen’s tear from her silky cheeks.

Rhen stared at Druid Vohu Manah and stopped her sniveling. Yeah. What choice do I get? I’m useless either way. “What choice do I get, Druid? Yes, I’ll do as a singer.”

Druid smiled, “Then, welcome to Harmony Records, Darzon!” he said as he held out his hand to Rhen.

Rhen smiled back and held the Druid’s hand.

***End of 1st Blow***

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