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Rubie: hi I'm Rubie_the_Hedgehog, but in this call me Rubie. me, Sonic, Shadow, Silver, and Mephiles are going to explan the rouls for you

Sonic: you can ask or dare all of us, even Rubie, and we have to anser or do the dare

Shadow: you can ask cupel queschins like, sonadow, mephadow, mephilver, shadilver, and mephonic

Silver: you can ask or dare something to all of us at once

Mephiles: you can not ask, sonilver queschins

Rubie: please put all ask and dares in the comment secshen and we'll anser as meny as we can

Every one: bye!

Ask Sonic,Shadow, Silver, or MephilesKde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat