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His months of training had led him to this moment. The moment he finally got to prove himself to the Jedi. To prove to the Night sisters that this is who he was. He was Kal, the Jedi Padawan. "Good day Jedi, I am Commander Silver and I will be escorting you on this mission" the deep voice spoke. Kal was faced be a large man dressed head to toe in armour, a clone trooper. His armour so shiny he could see the reflection of his face tattoos, as if he was standing in front of a mirror. Perhaps he wanted to live up to his name...Silver. This excited the Zabrak even more. This isn't real! But luckily it was. He grasps the mans hand and shakes it violently. "Hello sir, I am Kal, it will be a pleasure serving with you" the boy squeaks. This makes the soldier laugh, never before had he seen a Padawan so enthusiastic towards a mission before. Taking a seat on the vessel he spies a tall, skinny boy with brown hair enter the ship. He had seen him before but couldn't remember a name. The blue eyed boy walks towards Kal with a smirk on his face, out stretching his hand. "Hello, you must be Kal" he spoke in a monotone voice. "Um...yes. I am." Kal replies. "I'm Anakin, Obi-Wan's Padawan, it's great to see you again" he continued. It became clear to the Zabrak now. This was the so called chosen one. He couldn't contain how happy he was. A mission along side his master, Master Kenobi and Anakin Skywalker, Jedi would kill for this opportunity. "Kal my friend, are you ready?" Spoke a familiar voice. "I have been ready since my birth Master" replies the pale boy. Ready...for what? After all this excitement he didn't even know what he was doing on this mission. He looked up and down, trying to find evidence on what his objective was. "Lost something?" Asks Yori. "Oh, no Master. I haven't really been informed on this mission, I would just like to know what we must perform" questioned the boy. "Ah, my apologies, I thought u knew. We are treavelling to Faleesh to aid the natives, for they have been threatened by a gang of hooded creatures. All we know is they speak English, and they are very dangerous. It is unknown what they want from the natives, but the obvious points to their medicine and crop" explained the master. This was a lot to take in for Kal. So...they didn't really know what to expect, other than drug stealing hooded aliens. The engine starts and the Jedi prepare for the trip ahead.

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