Chapter 1: Sword clashing

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  The birds chirped happily piercing the silence of the morning, reminding the people of Elenore to get their lazy selves up from bed. But not everyone needed a reminder to wake, something or rather someone else besides the birds was disturbing the morning peace.
  The sounds of swords clashing resounded through the air. Strange sounds for that hour of the day but not strange enough if you've lived for some time in this part of town.

  No one needed to be told where the sound was coming from or who the culprit was. In the house of Smith sword clashing was a normal thing. Almost as normal as breathing.

  Eleazar 'Ironbeard' Smith was the town's blacksmith. He lived with his wife and two daughters in a lovely cottage-ish house. When swords weren't clashing in the house of Smith then they'd be clanking, swishing, hissing or being sharpened.

  However not everyone enjoyed being disturbed and not everyone got used to the sword clashing.

  Raya, Ironbeard's oldest daughter, tossed and turned in her bed obviously not ready to wake. Clang! Urgh, there was that sound again. She buried her head into her pillow. She had gone to bed quite late the night before, nobody's fault seeing as she had been out with a boy, and had hoped to sleep in.

  A foolish wish really, knowing her family she should've known there was no sleeping in, in the house of Smith. But still she had hoped. Today was the cleansing anyway, they should be busy prepping the house not playing with swords.

  Holy! Today was the cleansing?!

  That thought was all she needed to be pulled from her bed. She had a lot to do. As she dashed out of her room she almost collided with her mother.

  "I was wondering when you'd wake. Busy night eh?"

  "What do you mean?", Raya feigned innocence. Her mother however had seen her come in late the night before. She quickly changed the topic, "they're still hitting themselves out there aren't they? You'd think they'd take a break today of all days"

  Her mother Lily rolled her eyes and blew a piece of hair dangling in front of her eyes as her hands were occupied with a basket of fruits, "it's just the cleansing Raya". But Raya already had her back to her mother, "they do it every year!", She called out to the retreating back.

  Lily was a small woman, beautiful, delicate and graceful. With honey coloured hair and big brown innocent eyes. She would've easily fit in the house of a noble than a big blacksmith. Her first daughter Raya was just like her both in looks and character. They would never be seen clashing swords at this hour.

   Her second daughter on the other hand, Kamara, was a different story. A huge contrast to her mother. With her Raven black hair, blue inquisitive eyes and tanned skin. Some might say she was more manly than female. If it wasn't for her thin nature, you could even say she looked exactly like her father, who was on the huge side.

  She would definitely be seen clashing swords by this hour with her father. Her mother worried for her.

  "You're slow today Kay, you've been overfeeding", Ironbeard's voice bellowed in mock humor. "Has your mother been trying to fatten you up again".

  "You should talk old man. You missed my blade twice now. Tell me is yours age or mother's cooking?"

  They swung at each other again.
  "Your stance, watch your stance", Ironbeard screamed corrections as they continued their dance.

  "Elbows Kay, elbows... that's it, atta girl. Duck, good, good", he increased the intensity of his blows. Kay's hands trembled, her father was obviously bigger than her and his blade heavier but she had gotten used to it. The better her elbow position the more she could endure and the more blows she could take.

  Ironbeard had been a knight once, one of the best. As a matter of fact his father had been the head of the king's guards before his disgrace and fall. His father had played the power game and lost. The man had thought he could single handedly change the kingdom, right the wrongs and all that.

   A foolish mistake Ironbeard would say, he knew better than to go against such might. Sometimes it was better to feign ignorance and save your neck. He  had left the knighthood after his father's demise. He met Lily, fell in love and started a family of norms, totally happy to leave it  that way.

    "You won't quit till one of you has broken their necks would you?", Lily screamed at the parrying partners.

   "Have you any idea what today is?!", Raya joined her.

  "The cleansing!", The both screamed but continued anyway

  "Honestly, you're the only one who makes it out to be a big deal", Kamara threw at her.

  "Oh I'm sorry if today just happens to be one of the days that pulls in customers and a lot of money"

  That was enough to freeze both Kamara and her father. "The market!", They both looked at each other in realization.

  "No! The freaking circus!", Raya screamed in sarcasm.

   Lily laughed as both father and daughter scurried into the house.

  "Where are you going?", Raya called after her sister who disappeared into a room

  "To clean up of course, won't want to scare Gerald away with my smell"

   Raya blushed. "Who says he's coming?"

   Kay popped her head in through the door, "who says he isn't?", She smiled a knowing smile. "You invited him didn't you?"

"Erm, yes. But he might not c..."

"Save it sis we both know he is. Anyway I invited Peter, so don't worry I won't be in your hair", she escaped into the room before her sister could vent her frustration.

  "You what?! Please tell me you're joking"

  "But you like Peter", Kay protested

  "It's not me Kay, you know how Gerald gets around wielders"

  "Totally silly if you ask me, the man lives in Elenore for Pete's sake not some ancient city without magic. Just because his great great great great great grandfather Mildred..."

   "Wilfred", Raya corrected her

"Whatever", she rolled her eyes, "just because grandpa Wilfred was mistakenly torched to death by a fire elemental doesn't mean all wielders are bad".

  "Just promise me he'd behave please"

  "I promise", she said with her fingers crossed behind her.

  "Your fingers are crossed aren't they? God! What do I do with you"

  "I love you too", Kay said as she blew her a kiss, "all clean. Now let's get our wagons loaded"

  On busy days like the cleansing business was always good. Kamara sold weapons while Raya sold anything that wasn't weapons ranging from food to acessories.

  Today it was pottery. Hand made by she and their mother. Pottery was an essential part of the cleansing so it was bound to sell.

   "Hey Ray, hey Kay, hey Mrs Smith looking dashing as always"

  "Peter", Lily acknowledged him with a nod

  "What? You packed already? I figured you'd still be, hia, wuha, Kiya, you know", he mimicked someone brandishing a sword.

  Kay winched, "this", she said, "is why you're no good at using a sword".

  "Why would I need that when I've got this", he skillfully sprouted a plant from the ground swaying it. Peter was a nature charmer.

  "What the?!", It was Gerald standing at the door looking like he would chock. Poor guy had turned pale.
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  Firstly, thanks for clicking on my book, it means a lot. I advice you read the prologue before chapter one,  so you don't get confused. Secondly you think? Huh? If you like it then please vote, share and drop your comments I want to hear your thoughts. I would be uploading a new chapter frequently.

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