Magic Within Part 3

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Ajani arrived in the clearing Shira had found about an hour later, carrying a few bags.

"Whatcha got?" Shira asked, leaning against a fallen tree.

Ajani dropped the bags onto the soft grass.

"These ones are clothes." He said, sliding two bags away from the rest. Gesturing to the rest, he said, "These are provisions."

"I hope you didn't steal all this..." Shira grunted as she grabbed one of the clothes bags.

Ajani shrugged, summoning one, two, three coins out of thin air. "I have my ways."

Shira rolled her eyes, smiled slightly and said nothing, disappearing into the forest to get changed.

AJ took that chance to shrug into his new outfit, before beginning to build a huge bonfire.

When Shira walked back into the clearing, her prison outfit slung over one of her arms, she quickly took in the giant half-build bonfire and Ajani striding over to it with a large stash of stick in his arms.

"What are you doing??" Shira asked, exasperated.

"Well, we have to do something with the uniforms." Ajani said. "If you would rather leave them here in plain sight for our possible pursuers to find, then you're digging our graves."

"Okay, one, the bonfire is going to send up smoke that you could see from the moon."

Ajani winced. "That's a little... exaggerated."

"Two, we don't even know there are pursuers. The people chasing us stopped at the beach. You saw them stop. While it's always good to be on the side of caution, isn't this a bit, I don't know, paranoid?"

"Harold won't let us go that easily." Ajani replied, his face darkening.

He dumped the remaining sticks onto the bonfire, before dropping his uniform on the top, and motioned for Shira to do the same.

When she did, Ajani clicked his fingers, and the whole pile ignited. The two of them watched as it burned, turning to a pile of ashes in the span of a few minutes. A gust of wind scattered those quickly.

Ajani turned back to Shira. "There's one more thing that I heard rumours of."


"Apparently, there's a fire magician hiding out in a village a few miles from here."

Shira turned towards him, having already guessed what he was implying. 

"They say his name is Jazal. Jazal Dyslin."

"And we're going to find him?"

"Got it in one."

~~~~~AUTHOR'S NOTE~~~~~

Hi! :D

Just wanted to say a) Thanks for reading! (And/or putting up with my stupidities xD) b) I know I'm not writing a lot about AJ and Shira. They're getting their bit next chapter :D. c) I've used some nautical (boat people) terms in Neri's part. Here's a picture that explains them:

 Here's a picture that explains them:

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