Quick (where are they now)

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(Quinn and Puck)

It all started in s6 when Quinn got pregnant with their son Zander (and had awful morning sickness ,my reason to why she was not at the wedding). They were not planing on having kids that soon but you know Quinn and Puck ,things never go to plan for them.

After Zander was born Shelby finally ,though it was about time for them to be able to see Beth again (thanks from a little convincing from Rachel) They got to meet her and answer questions that she had.

But meeting Beth made Quinn realise that she made the right choice all those years

When Zander was about 1and a bit yrs old , Quinn got pregnant again (planned this time!)
The one thing they did not plan is they got twins ,TWINS (let's just say there was a little bit of freaking out). But they had there gorgeous girls Cassie and Evie.

Quinn graduated from Yale and became a lawyer and Puck went in to the Air Force.

And once Shelby realised that Quinn and Puck could take care of 3 kids on their own  Beth got to stay with them for a whole day or even a sleep over ,as Quinn and Puck wanted Beth to have a relationship with her siblings.

They have a great life and live up the street from Tina and Ardie and their 2 daughters.

If any one wants me to cover anything else feel free to say in the comments 😀

And I hope you guys like it.

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