the day after the nightmare

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C:Nessa are you ok after what happen last

N: yes it felt so real 

C: I know it did babe what do you want to do

N: Ice Cream!!

C: Get Ice cream

N: Yes babe do you get the feeling that someone is watching us

C: No why

N: Because I do

C: Ok??

B: Little do they know that I have been watching them and now is the perfect time to steal Nessa away from him

C: Let's go get Ice cream

N: I forgot my phone in the house I will meet you in the car

C: Ok don't be too long babe 

Just before she got to the car Brandon jumps out and takes her 

N: Brandon let me the fuck go Christin is going to wonder where I am

B: Why do I fucking care I hated that bitch anyway 

N: Watch your mouth he's my Fucking boyfriend 

B: not anymore 

N: What the fuck do you mean

B: Your mine now

N:Fuck No I'm not

C: where's Nessa it doesn't take her this long to get her phone

C: Let me call her 

N: My phone is ringing she thinks I should answer but I'm scared what if Brandon takes my phone *Answers* 

N: Hello 

C: Nessa what's taking you 

N: Brandon kidnaped me

C: I'm on my way babe

N: hurry up and call the cops

C: Right on it

N: Bye

C: Bye

Christin calls the cops

C: Hello Help me someone kidnaped my Girlfriend 

P: we are sending people to your place now

C: Thanks 

P: anytime :-)

Brandon see police cars everywhere 

P: Come out with your hands you have 3 sec 1,2,

B: Ok Ok I'm coming with the girl 

P: give us the girl or we shoot you

B: Pulls out knife don't move closer or the girl is going to die

P: Gives us the girl NOW

Brandon pushes the girl to them and starts running 

 P: Stop running back-up needed we have 10-57 all unites here

B: keeps running 

N: Runs and hugs him 

nessa finds loveTahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon