chapter 1

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(I know that usually a story would have a prologue but I'm not good at them) Rias has been worried because Issei has been missing school, club meetings and (for unknown reasons) become less perverted towards the girls and she wants to know why.
Rias: "Kiba"
Kiba: "Yes buchou" (not sure if that's right so if I'm wrong please let Me know)
Rias: "After school today I need you to get Issei for me"
Kiba: "Ok buchou"

Issei was getting ready to leave when Kiba enters the room
Kiba: "Hey Issei, Rias wanted to talk to you"
Issei: "Ok, lead the way"
Kiba and Issei leave the room and start heading towards the ORC, when they arrive they see Rias and Akeno sitting on the couch while drinking tea until they notice him
Rias: "Ah so your finally awa-"
A/n: "Wrong line Rias"
Rias: "But"
A/n: "Rias" I say in a stern voice
Rias: "Fine"
A/N: "Lets try again then"
*take 2*
Rias: "Ah so you finally here, I was waiting awhile"
Issei: "Sorry buchou, I was doing stuff"
Rias: "What were you doing that took you an extra 20 minutes"
Issei: "That's something for me to know and you to find out"
Rias: "As your king I demand you tell me!"
Issei: "Its something I have been working on for awhile now"
Rias: "If you tell me I will do one thing for you, anything"
Issei: "As I said it's for me to know and you to find out"
Everyone looked at him like he just ran over their pet (or should I say familiar)
Koneko: "Who are you and what have you done with Issei?"
Issei: "Calm down, I am Issei! I'm just doing stuff"
Issei looks at his phone
Issei: "Sorry but I have to go now"
Issei leaves the room
Rias: "Something is wrong with Issei and I want to know what so Kiba and Koneko"
Kiba and Koneko: "Yes" they say in unison
Rias: "Follow him"
Kiba and Koneko: "Ok" They (again) say in unison
They follow him and see that he wakes into the back of a convenient store
Kiba: "Why did he go into there?"
Koneko: "Lets go ask him"
She drags Kiba into the store and see Issei in work clothes
Issei: "What are you two doing here?"
Kiba: "We could ask you the same thing to you"
Issei: "I'm working here, why do you ask"
Kiba: "Because Rias wanted to know where you have been up to"
Issei: "Like I told her, that is none of her business"
Issei leaves to stock shelves
Koneko: "Lets report back to Rias"
Kiba: "Yeah"
When Issei is done he locks up the shop and goes home, when he arrived he sees Rias sitting on the couch
Rias: "Where have you all"
Issei: "At work, why?"
Rias: "Why are you working"
Issei: "Money"
Rias: "For what"
Issei: "Nunya"
Rias: "Nunya?"
Issei: "Nunya business"
Issei then leaves the house and heads to the airport where he sees someone he has not seen in awhile and they just stare at each other menacingly and the people around them start getting nervous that a fight might start
Y/n: "Brother!"
Issei: "N/N!"
They run to each other and hug
Issei: "N/n, how has it been"
Y/n: "good besides the fact that some lady's looked at me weird like her" You point towards an older looking lady
Issei: "You should stay away from her" he says as he sees that the lady you were taking about with hearts in her eyes
Y/n: "Am I staying with you big brother"
Issei: "Sorry but you will have to stay in an apartment I got you because no one knows your here"
Y/n: "Ok"
You and Issei walk out of the airport and see a taxi that is waiting to pick you guys up and drop you guys off at the park
Y/n: "What is that?" You ask pointing to something in the sky
Issei looks at it and goes wide eyed
Issei: "N/N Run!"
It was to late as the unknown figure throws spears at the one hitting Issei arm the other hitting you in the stomach making you fall to the ground bleeding
Issei: "N/N!" he screams as he runs towards you
???/ "Only killed one, it seems like I'm getting rusty"
Issei looks and sees Raynare
Issei and Raynare then feel a massive amount of power coming from you and see a dark substance covering him and once he is fully covered by it it leaves his body and starts to take the shape of a little girl and she looks at Raynare

???/ "Why did you try to kill my host you pest"
Raynare looks scared
Raynare: "W-who are you"
???/ "You don't need to know my name, all you need to know is that you are already dead"
Raynare: "Nan-" She doesn't finish as she gets cut in half by ??? which then looks at Issei
???: "Take him home" She says as she walk over to you and turns back into the substance before covering you and disappearing
Issei looks and noticed that your injury is gone
Issei: "What was that" He asks himself as he takes you to your apartment and lays you on your bed and heads home to get some stuff

*Time skip*
Issei: "I'm home"
Rias looks at him
Rias: "Why were you out until 12:30"
Asia: "What happened!?" She yells as she starts to heal Issei
Issei: "Fallen Angel" he says
After he gets healed he goes to his room and packs a blanket, a pillow, some clothes, and some other stuff then heads down stairs where he sees everyone
Rias: "Where do you think you are going"
Issei: "Somewhere" he says as he leaves
They run out and see that he is gone
Rias: "Where is he going?"

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