Chapter 21

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"Jordan!" I exclaimed, "How in the hell did you get my number?"

He laughed through the phone, "I have my sources." He cleared his throat,

I rolled my eyes, "Sources? You mean my Mom?"

He chuckled, "Oh why yes indeed." He said, "Anyway how are you?"

I raised my eyebrows, even though he can't see the amusement on my face, "Are you really just going to check on me through the phone?"

"Yeah, I can't really visit." He said.

"Why not?" I asked, "Come on you better come and visit!"

"I'm very busy with work." He said, "This pie charts won't be happy without being eaten you know."

I groaned, "When's your day off then?"

There was a long silence.

"I don't know really," I heard rustling through the phone, "Sorry bout that, I was calculating.".

"Oh you're really busy huh?" I said, "That's a bummer. I am expecting you to visit."

"How long will you stay?" He asked.

"Maybe about a week, I'm still thinking." I shift myself to a Comfortable position.

"What are your plants for the week?" He asked and I can hear the rustling sound through the phone even the calculators beeping sound. Calculators don't beep now, do they? How old is his calculator. Scientific calculator don't even make a sound!

Shooking my head of the thought of a stupid calculator, "I don't know. But Roxan and Carla did visit me today,"

"Oh really?" Jordan laughed, "Y'all are best friends now?"

As much as I love those two today, the idea of us being best friend still make me shudder. The thought alone is even cringe, "Oh hell no." I crunched my nose, "Besides they were very helpful for once they really made me forget my worries for today."

"Well... I'm glad." Jordan said, "Anyway, I only called to say Hi."

"Hmm." I raised my eyebrows, "Why didn't you call me when I was in LA, what difference does it make now that I'm in Australia?"

"How can I call? I don't know your number." Jordan chuckled, "I'm quite shocked you still keep this number."

"I have to of course," I said, "So I can use it when I come home. But still, you can contact me in any other way. You can chat me on Instagram or even dump an e-mail."

"Is this some kind of business purposes or..." He laughed.

I rolled my eyes, "Oh stop it. I'm serious though... Are you planning to visit?" I said with a little plea of my voice.

There was a silent.

"I'll try, I swear. And of course I would love to hang out with you." He said, "But right now, I have to go and continue this stupid calculation."

I chuckled, "Alright. Goodnight, I have to sleep as well." I said,

With a few exchange of goodbye and goodnight, I finally have the rest I wanted. I can still feel my aching foot but I decided not mind it and clean myself before I go to sleep.

Staring at my unpacked baggage, I can't help it but feel so nostalgic. Everytime I come home from University, I unpacked and spend of my day with Zeke. I have to make sure to spend of my free days with him, I have to. At least it make me feel a little less guilty of what happened, and I have never missed any day. With my Pajamas on, I opened my luggage, and slowly my hands travel to my suitecase that my journal rest on it. No matter how many time I have seen or feel or read my journal, its always so new to me, like As if I haven't really read it and wrote some things in there before. Everytime I open it, shivers... A lot of Shivers run to my spine.

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