Yumemi x Housepet!Reader

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   (Y/N) was a housepet. They were drowning in debt they knew they could never pay off. No matter how many times they tried, they couldn't make up enough money. It seemed like bad luck never left them. But, at least they had Yumemi.
   (Y/N) was Yumemi's "manager". Or at least, that's what she referred to them as. (Y/N) liked to think that they were friends. Though Yumemi refused to ever say it. When the two were around other people, (Y/N) was treated like how all housepets are. Like trash. But when it was just the two of them, Yumemi was friendly. Or, as friendly as she can be.


   "I just don't see why I need to do the show today." Yumemi complained.
   "It's a charity event. And today was the only day Kirari would let you this week."
   Yumemi rolled her eyes. "Why do cancer patients get the money and I don't." She grumbled. (Y/N) lightly smacked the back of her head and glared. Yumemi rolled her eyes and plopped down in her seat. If it were anyone else smacking Yumemi's like that, she wouldn't have hesitated to beat the shit out of them. But this was (Y/N), so she didn't mind.
   "What song do I end with again?" Yumemi asked, trying to jog her memory.
   "Never Enough." (Y/N) responded while jogging down a few things she needed to remember for after the show.
   Yumemi dramatically sighed. "That song is so slow. It's gonna put everyone to sleep!"
   "It's good to step out of your comfort zone for once. It's a pretty song. I'm sure everyone will love it. You did write it after all." (Y/N) defended.
   After a few more minutes of talking it was time for Yumemi to go on stage. "Break a leg!" (Y/N) happily said her.
   Yumemi rolled her eyes and smiled. As soon as the crowd could see her they started cheering. Some were chanting her name, others were yelling in celebration, and some were just smiling. Yumemi giggled.
   "How's everyone tonight?" She asked into the microphone. Immediately people started cheering to show they were in a good mood and excited for the show. "Great! I'm so glad you all came. As I'm sure you know, all the money gained from you buying your tickets, food and drinks, and anything extra like glow sticks will be donated to help cancer patients!" The crowd cheered some more.
   Yumemi began her show. (Y/N) admired her upbeat attitude (even if it was forced), the smile she kept on her face, and her beautiful voice. They always admired Yumemi. She seemed so perfect, until you got to know her. But in (Y/N)'s opinion, that just made her even better.
   Yumemi finally got to her ending song. (Y/N) had found it in a stack of old lyrics Yumemi had written and planned to throw away later. (Y/N) pretty much begged her to sing it for them, and eventually convinced her to sing it for tonight's show.

"I'm trying to hold my breath.
Let it stay this way, can't let this moment end."

   As Yumemi sang, she looked over to (Y/N). They were talking to a guy, a bit taller than them. They were laughing at something he had said. Yumemi didn't like that (Y/N) wasn't paying attention to her. Whenever she sang, she liked having (Y/N) admire her from a distance. She liked having (Y/N)'s attention.

"All the shine of a thousand spotlights.
All the stars we steal from the night sky will never be enough.
Never be enough."

   Yumemi could still see from the corner of her eye (Y/N) talking to the guy and smiling. They seemed so happy talking to him. Yumemi got upset wondering what they were talking about. Her hands began to clamp around the microphone tighter.

"Never, never.
Never, never.
Never, for me.
For me."

   Yumemi wanted to yell louder. To get (Y/N)'s attention again. But she knew she couldn't risk ruining the performance. She still needed to be perfect for her fans. She cared about her career too much. She silently hoped as she sang louder with the song that (Y/N) would look over again and watch her sing her heart out. She strived for (Y/N)'s approval, as conceded as that may sound.

"Towns of gold are still too little.
These hands could hold the world but it'll, never be enough.
Never be enough.
For me."

   She continued, trying to keep a smile on her face while hoping that bastard would walk away.

"Never, never.
Never, never.
Never, for me.
For me.
Never enough.
Never, never.
Never enough.
Never, never.
Never enough.
For me, for me, for me.

   The music momentarily paused, giving Yumemi a chance to catch her breath. Then it started up again, this time she sang quieter into the mic.

"For me."

   The song ended. Yumemi hadn't gotten (Y/N) to look at her throughout the entire song. She felt jealous. How come that asshole got their attention?

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