Chapter 14:

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*Bangchan POV*

I ran to the hospital like I never had before.I arrived at the hospital and asked the nurse in the desk.

Bangchan:Excuse me..Where is Y/n? I'm her husband.

Nurse:Right you must be Mr Chan.Your wife is in the operation room.Please seat down and a doctor will see you soon.

Bangchan:Oh okay.

I sat down near the operating room and waited for her.I got worried.She's going to be okay right? I mean she's Y/n.Shes strong I'm sure she will be fine.I just hope she is.I was lost in my thoughts until I heard someone scream my name


I looked around and it was jungkook.He looked furious.He ran towards and punched me right in the face.He then grabbed me by my collar.

Jungkook:How could you do this to her you fucking bastard? You broke her heart before and now you broke it again.You just had to destroy her feelings by kissing Irene? Her best friend! Why?
Don't you understand how she feels? You promised to protect her no matter what.What the hell happened to that?! did you know that I kissed Irene?

Jungkook let go of me and took his phone out.It was a video of me and Irene kissing while Y/n was standing there crying.

Bangchan:How did you get this footage?!

Jungkook:Someone saw you three and recorded the whole thing.It's all over the Internet Bangchan.Everyone says you cheated on her with Irene.

Bangchan:But we are only friends! We aren't in love with each other.

Jungkook: Don't be stupid Bangchan.Everyone thinks you two are in love with each other.They don't know it was for the companies.Even I know that Y/n loves you.Tell me Bangchan,do you think of Y/n as a friend or more than that?

Bangchan:I-i..I'm not sure.Well how could I? I said such cruel and horrible things to her. I don't deserve to be near her.I even told her she was worth nothing to me and-

Jungkook:Heh..what a dickhead.What did Y/n ever do to you? Is this what she deserves after all she's done for you?!

He was about to punch me again but someone grabbed his arm.

???:No stop!

Jungkook:What? Irene what are you doing here?

Irene:What kind of question is that? I'm Y/n best friend.Of course I came to see her.Look what I did was wrong and I should never have done that.I didn't know she actually liked you.This is all of my fault..if I hadn't done that,then Y/n would never be in the hospital in the first place.


She then started crying.

Irene:I-i..I never wanted to hurt her like this.This is all of my fault..I'm such a cruel friend.

Jungkook then grabbed both of her shoulders.

Jungkook:No don't blame yourself.Sure what you did was wrong but you were honest about it.That shows you care about Y/n.Everyone makes mistakes and it's rare for people to admit it.

Bangchan:He's right Irene.

Irene then looked at me.

Bangchan:I did some terrible stuff too.This is also my fault.I don't expect for Y/n to forgive me.I should've paid attention to her feelings more.Ha she probably doesn't care about me anymore but I still do.So don't blame yourself too much okay? We both made a mistake.

Jungkook then wiped her tears off her face.I'm not sure if I was imaginating it but I think I saw Irene blush when Jungkook wiped her tears.

Irene:Okay.Let's just hope she will be fine.

We both nodded and waited what seemed to be hours.Then suddenly a doctor in white coat came out of the operating room.All three of us stood up and walked up to the doctor.

Bangchan:Excuse me doctor is Y/n okay?

Doctor:You must be?

Banchan:Mr Chan.Y/n's husband and these two are her friends.

Doctor:Ah right Mr Chan.I'm sorry but Y/n is in a coma.

Jungkook:She's in a coma..?

Doctor:Yes we will look at her condition every day and check for any changes.But right now she is in deep sleep and unfortunately her chances of waking up is slim.For now we are going to have to pray she wakes up.

He then walked past us.

Irene:N-no it can't be..

Jungkook:Her in a coma? This is like a bad joke.Dammit..

I was speechless.The accident caused this to be in a coma?No..this can't be.She is dying and I can't even save her. I started to get headaches and a bit dizzy.

Jungkook:Hey Bangchan are you okay?


My eyesight got blurry and I suddenly blacked out.Last thing I heard was Jungkook and Irene calling my name.

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