Honey Eyed Savior (Boran Alp) - PT 1

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Y/N looked over her shoulder as the Mongols closed in; she knew that she needed to get away from her tribe, even if it meant leaving everything behind forever. The Mongols were chasing her in a hot pursuit, ready to take her dead or alive. She tugged at her horse's reins multiple times for it to speed up, whilst tears continued to run down her cheeks for leaving.

"I cannot leave you!" said Y/N. "My sweet rose-faced girl, you must!" exclaimed her mother. "But what about Father?!?" Y/N pleaded. "Please, my girl. Get word to Gunduz Bey of the Kayi Tribe, and you may have a chance to see you again," said her mother. Suddenly, two Mongol soldiers burst into the tent, swords held high, ready to strike. "RUN!" screamed Y/N's mother and Y/N had no choice but to flee. "Mother! Come!" she yelled from outside the tent as one of the Mongols chased her, but she got no answer. Tears streamed down her cheeks as she threw her dagger through the throat of the Mongol chasing her and ran to the stables, and got upon her horse. "Hurry, Deniz," she whispered as the grey horse reared back with a loud neigh, and made a break for the tribe's exit.

Y/N knew she was being chased; she could hear the thunder of horse hooves, and she cracked her horse's reins to go faster. "Faster Deniz, or they'll catch us!" she hissed as the horse rode faster through the dark woods. As if her horse's speed was tied to the Mongols' speed, they rode even faster and Y/N could hear them coming closer and closer. Oh Allah, thought Y/N and suddenly her horse buckled; an arrow had been shot through its flank. "NO!" Y/N screamed as they both fell to the ground. "Deniz!" she cried as the horse neighed weakly before it drew its final breath. "Allah curse you all!" shouted Y/N as she made a run for it, tripping over branches and piles of leaves.

She gasped as an arrow zipped past her and impaled a tree right in front of her, and she looked behind to see the Mongols still chasing her, not wanting to let her go. "We can't lose her!" bellowed their leader as they pursued her, and Y/N knew that she either had to stop or be killed. She sighed in defeat as she stopped running and drew out her sword, and turned to face them; they eventually reached her and some of their archers readied their bows to shoot. "You either come with us or die," growled the soldier at their lead. "Then fight me," said Y/N. The Mongols' leader scoffed as one of them dropped down from their horse and ran at her with his sword, only to be decapitated easily. The Mongols were taken aback by her ferocious skill and least to say, afraid. "Come on!" thundered Y/N as she continued to slice and slaughter every soldier that came at her, until she felt a sharp pain in her arm; they had shot her.

"You unjust scum!" she hissed as she fell to the ground in pain. "We won't take this one. Just a waste of time," growled their leader. "Leave her to die here, alone." The remaining Mongols got on their horses and rode off into the distance, leaving Y/N on the ground. She struggled to snap the arrow in her arm and accidentally pulled it out, cutting bits of her flesh. "Damn it," she whispered as she flinched in pain. She was losing a lot of blood; she leaned against a tree and closed her eyes. She knew this was the end. "I'm coming, Mother," she whispered as she fell into unconsciousness, but after awhile heard horse hooves coming closer and closer.

She opened her eyes for a moment and found herself looking into the most beautiful honey-brown eyes she had ever seen in her life, before she fell into another spell of unconsciousness. 

DT: Hannah <3

A/N: Hi guys, dis is my first imagine. A little short, but hope y'all enjoy it anyways :)

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