Feeling Again

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"That's what makes a hero, a hero."

Melody's words echoed in his mind. The fire had long since died down to a small flicker, and in the dim light he watched Melody sleep.

Okay, that sounded creepy. Jason hadn't ment it in a stalkerish way.

Erm, let him try and rephrase that. He couldn't seem to get comfortable, so he put himself on watch. And he just so happened to watch Melody.

Okay. That sounded sufficiently less stalkerish.

Melody's golden blonde hair was messy. Her eyes had circles under them. But she seemed so peaceful as she slept.

Jason was slightly worried he was becoming her stalker, but being around people was nice. He hadn't realized how much he missed being around someone else until Melody had sort of kidnapped him. He liked hearing her laugh. It was a bright, happy sound, and it made him smile and laugh too.

Jason decided he liked Melody. But that was what scared him the most about her.

Jason had spent so long building up walls around his heart, so nothing and no-one could get in and cause him pain. It blocked off his emotion. Nobody had ever been able to get past his walls.

But somehow, Melody did.

Melody, who made his heart race and his eyes light up. Melody, who saved him, emotionally and physically. Melody, who could make him happy just by singing and playing her guitar. Melody, who listened to the same music he did. Melody, who's smile and laugh and bright eyes could light up his day in an instant. Melody, who made him feel like he hadn't since felt Piper again.

Melody, who he was falling head over heels in love with.

This is just a filter chapter, to give you a little insight on how much Jason has changed by just being around Melody for a few days. The next chapter is the plot twist.

Beware, readers. You're in for a scare.

Saving Jason GraceTempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang