Character and Prologue

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Haruka- Meaning Internal Beauty

She won't have a last name because Hidan doesn't have one.

Age-13 (prologue she's 5)

Hair-Silver hair with violet and blood red tips

Eyes- Violet around the with a red glow pupil (pupil is black) then there's a ring with a red glow then in the out ring it's a light violet (picture)

Clothes- A grey long sleeved shirt that's a low V neck, black jeans, black ninja boots with buckles then a red jacket

Jewelry- Jashin necklace, Jashin ear rings, a three pointed scythe ear ring then a black ear ring.

She also has a scratch on her left cheek

(What she looks like on the cover. I made the cover and the eyes)

Weapon-three pointed scythe like her big brother, and more but you'll have to find out

Fighting style- find out in story

Personality-Like her big brother she knows every cuse word known to man. She doesn't show respect to no one. She's funny and pretty cool

Likes- Ramen, Jashin, Hidan (big brother), drawing, fighting, training & making fun of Duck-ass (Sasuke)

Dislike- Fangirl, Fanboys (ya she has them. It's scary), people how believe in Keima (sp???), sparkles & Duck-ass.

Shall we start the story now?

Hidan P.O.V.
Fuck I can't believe I'm leaving her. Jashin please take care of my little worshipper. Haruka I'm sorry I'm leaving and I'm leaving you to those Damn hidden leaf village fuckers. I love you. I walk to her room seeing sound asleep. She's looks so peaceful you would never guess she has killed 152 people. I hear a knock at the door. Look like their here. Good bye little sis. I kiss her on her forehead. I walk down stairs with my stuff and o walk out the door. I hope she likes her gifts. I left her a three pointed scythe like mine, a Jashin necklace and a copy of the family photo of me and her. I go outside to see some old fucker and a plant-man thing.....-_-' Ok that thing is disturbing. It's white and black. And it's a plant. And I think it arguing with its self. This thing is retarded. "Hey plant fucking man thing who the Fuck are you people?" "I'm Zetsu. And this is your new partner Kakazu." Great I get a old fucker as a partner.....great. "*sigh* I don't give a Fuck let's just get go-" Then there was a thud in the house. Fuck please stay inside, stay inside, stay inside. "Big bro? What the Fuck are you doing outside in the cold?" Shit! "Hidan who's that?" Haruka runs up to me and hugs my leg. "Big bro. Why was all your stuff packed and who are those freaks?" "Haruka listen I'm leaving to join an organization called the Akaiski. And these fuckers are Zetsu the freak of nature and Kakazu the old fucker." Haruka starts to cry, but she holds it in she's not showing her weakness. That's my girl! "You'll remember me right?" " Of course I will your my fucking little worshipper!!!!" She starts to laugh. That's good. I smile at her. "Just don't forget me or don't forget to worship Jashin. Got that." "Yes big bro. Sacrifice people that mock Jashin got that and I'll do the same." I pick up Haruka and I hug her. I start to feel her little arms wrap around my neck. "I love you big bro" "I love you my little worshipper" I let her go and I look at her. "Now go inside. Some jackasses will be here. Their from the leaf. Their going to take care of you got that." She nods her head and she walks to the house. "Oh! And big bro?" "Ya what is it?" "Your partner looks like he's been through hell. Then earth and then back to hell. And Kakazu! Your going to stay in hell when your with big bro." She then walks away into the house.







"I like your sister. She's better then you." "FUCK YOU! YOU OLD FUCKER!!!!!" "I'm just saying the truth." "I like her too^^ . Ya she looks good to eat." "YOU FUCKING PLANT THING YOUR NOT EATING HER AND SHUT THE FUCK UP. LET'S JUST GO JASHIN DAMMIT!!!!!!" We then leave. Dammit I'm going to miss her.

Haruka P.O.V
Big bro your really loud. But I love that about you I'll miss you. There was a knock. I go down stairs to see three people in fucking retarded mask......-_- "your Haruka right?" "No I'm the fucking Hokage..... dumb ass."............."Well then..... get your stuff we are going to the hidden leaf village." "Whatever mask freak." The guy with a hawk mask moves forward and I think I see a vein poping out. "Listen you little brat! We're ABAU (???? I think) and you better show respect." I really couldn't care what they are. "Ya ya that's wonderful! I'm going to get my stuff then Mr. Hawky can tell me all about it." I then walk off and I get all my clothes, then I see a Jashin necklace like big bros, the family photo and a scythe like big bros!!!! SO FUCKING COOL!!!!!!!! I put on the scythe and the Jashin necklace. And walk outside with the mask freaks. Well a new live awaits. Let's see how many people I piss off. I smirk.

Well that's it I hope you liked it. This character of mine literally has my personality. And I like Hidan so I'm like he needs a soft side and that soft side is for his little sister. Haruka!!!!! Follow, like, vote and comment or whatever. I don't own Naruto. I wish!!!!

P.s- Song is the theme song for story.

Fantastic Baby; BigBang

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