Chapter 6- Bell test, lets show them why I'm Jounin!!!!

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Me- Hey everyone I've been......

Itachi- You have no excuse do you?

Me- Um.....I...........*processing Data*

Sasuke- I think you broke her.

Itachi- Well okay then well-

Ceil- How did I get here?!

Sasuke- He's so small and british.

Itachi- 'hn'

Ceil- Did you just call me small and did you just 'hn' me?!

Sasuke & Itachi- Yes

Haruka- Well while we work this out and Get Sakura Michaelis working again let me just say she does not own Naruto. Hope you like the story.


*10:00 am Haruka P.O.V*

Me and Kakashi walk into the training ground with a smile on our faces.

"YOU'RE LATE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

"Sorry there was a black cat on the road so we had to take the long way here."

"Well lets get started. I have one bell and then Haruka has one bell. And to get them your going to have to fight us for them and if you get a bell you pass but, if you don't then you get to be tied to the post and watch me eat your lunch in front of you."

And que the stomach rumble.

"So thats why....."

"They told us......"

"Not to eat!!"

"Okay you can use any weapon on us-"

"But sensei you and Haruka could get hurt."

"YA! You couldn't even doge an eraser! Believe it!!!"

"Class clowns are the first to go and the weakest."

"WHY!!!!! YOU!!!!"

Naruto runs at Kakashi with a kunai (SP???) but Kakashi duges and grabs his wrist and twists it and now he's behind Naruto.

"You can at me ready to kill. Lets just say I'm starting to like you kids."

He lets go of Naruto and sets the timer for 12:00 pm.

"You have two hours to get a bell and the time starts now!"

Everyone jumps away except Kakashi, Naruto and me.

"Your weird compared to the others."

"Well!!! Your hairs weird!!!!"

Good come back Naruto....Idiot.

I walk to a tree, well my shadow clone, I'm hiding underground seeing if they forgot the other enemy...... me HAHAHAHAHAHA *cough cough* Jashin Dammit.

And I'm not seeing the fight but, I better see what's going on. I look to see Kakashi with a trigger sign but it goes up Narutos butt...........Okaaaay

"ONE THOUSAND YEARS OF DEATH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"

Aaannnddd going into the ground now and I'll try to forget that.........

I've been underground and my clone is just fine.....You know what time to attack. I move to Kakashi.

"Kakashi I'm going to sneak attack them to teach them a lesson."

"Okay have fun."

I walk away and I find Naruto. And i attack him underground by pulling him down. I go up to the top of the earth.

"Naruto, why did you try to eat the food?"

"Um.......Well why did you attack me?!"

"Because, I'm your sensei with this passing bell."

I hold up the bell, then the timer goes off. *sigh* I grab Naruto and i tie him to the post.

*Time Skip to the Kakashi standing on Sasuke*

"You all fail because, Naruto you was fighting solo. Sakura all you wanted to do was work with Sasuke, even though you didn't know where he was and didn't help Naruto when he was in front of you. And Sasuke you thought everyone was lower than you."

"Well what about Haruka she didn't get a bell and she didn't help at all?!"

"She's your sensei not your equal she will be teaching you, protecting you and looking out for you. Not! To help pass a test that you need to pass."

"Oh ya. Sorry Kakashi- sensei."

"Right so no one feed Naruto."

Me and Kakashi poof away to see what they do. I didn't hear them but I could tell Naruto was trying to pretend that he didn't need food. But he stomach says otherwise. Sasuke gives him food then Sakura feeds him food. And now me and Kakashi shall see it they're finally acting like a team.

"You!!!!!!! You disobeyed my rules any last words!"

"W-we a-are a team!"

"Ya we are one!!"













"You passed. People who disobey the rules are scum but, those who abandon their friends are worse than scum."

"Well tomorrow we will have a mission meet Kakashi and I at the bridge."

"YAAA!!!! A MISSION!!!!!!!"

He's going to be disappointed tomorrow..........


Itachi- Hello hope you liked that chapter........... um I don't know what to do........ Sakura is still broken but, that short guy is gone.......

Sasuke- I can't find Michaelis.......

Itachi- WHAT!?

Sasuke- I think she either ran away or someone kidnapped her......


Sasuke & Itachi- TELL US!!!!!!!!!!!!


Sasuke & Itachi- Tobi's a good boy

Tobi- YA!!!!!! Tobi is a good boy. Tobi saw Orochimaru take her.


Tobi- We are but Orochimaru said he would help Sakura. He said 'Tobi if you're a good boy you would want Sakura to be powerful and strong." Then he left and he started talking to her about his day.

Sasuke & Itachi- WE HAVE TO SAVE HER!!!!!!!!!!!!

*Sasuke & Itachi leave*

Tobi- Well vote, comment, like and follow BYE BYE!!!~~~~

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