Chapter 1

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So this is it, my new life. It begins with this first step. I found an ad for a farmer awhile back and it peaked my interest. I ended up taking the offer
because I was tired of the city, and I was pretty good at growing plants. That about gets me to where I am now, standing in front of my new home. The farm I had taken up was just outside Harmonica town, it had the essentials any farm would have house, barn, coop etc. The buildings were in decent shape, they could use some minor repairs but it will do for now at least. I open the door and enter the house, there was a bed, small kitchen, bookshelf, storage, table. I walk over to the table and see a package, I examine it further. I open it up and see that it's tools for farming and a few bags of seeds.
"Probably a welcome gift or something" I say to myself as I pick up the hoe. I take the tools and place them in my rucksack, I walk back outside to be met by a short grey haired man.
"Hello! You must be the new farmer, Molly! I'm the mayor here, Hamilton! I see you must have found the tool set I got you. if you need anything just tell me!" He said in a very joyous way.
"Thanks, Hamilton I appreciate all the kindness." I say then smile.
"Well sorry to make our meeting so short, but I must be going I have mayor duties to attend to! But if you have the time go and meet some of the other citizens I'm sure they'd love to meet the new face of this old farm!" He said the walked off.
I look at my land, a large field. I take out my hoe and get to work. I managed to plant all of the seeds I had by noon.
Since I had nothing else to do, I went around and introduced myself to everyone around. I approached a house right next to the Marimba farm. the only one that hasn't answered to my knocks. I tried a few times but still no response.
"What are you doing here?" Said a angry voice from behind.
I jumped at the sound and quickly turned around. There a man who seemed to be my about my age, with orangish hair and amethyst eyes was scowling at me.
"I'm Molly, the new farmer.... I was jus---"
"Going around and introducing yourself, ok I'm Chase the chef at the brass bar. Also don't get too friendly with me, I'm only being this nice because your new." He said cutting me off. He then starts walking in the direction of the door.
"Um, ok nice to meet you? Goodbye Chase?" I say in confusion.
He gives me one last scowl before entering his house closing the door behind him.
I take a deep breath then begin to head in the direction of my farm. Who knew that someone could be that way, I mean he's not exactly a goody-two-shoes but he could at least have a bit of friendliness. I put it to the back of my mind as I follow the road. I reach my farm and enter my house.
About five weeks have past as I work hard on my farm, earning money. I decided I could use a cocktail or two after today's adventures, so I head over to the brass bar. I walk in and take a seat, Kathy leans across the counter and hands me a cocktail.
"This ones on the house, consider it a gift for our friendship!" She says with a smile.
"Oh why thank you!" I say in joy.
I take a sip and set the glass back on the counter.
"You know Molly! We should have a party for Owen's upcoming birthday! right here in the bar, we could invite everyone and it could be a surprise party!" She said in excitement.
"You know, that sounds like a great idea. Count me in." I said.
The two of us giggled as we came up with plans of how it's going to go down. I never knew planning a party was this much fun until I moved here, I'm so glad I did.

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