Summer Hearts- Chapter 1

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  • Dedicated to Kayla Ann Vandermuse

So this is my new story.  I hope you like it.  It's the first one I've done like this so we shall see how it works.  It may take me up to two weeks to upload new chapters so don't get worried if you are looking forward to more.  Thanks for clicking on my story.  See you at the end ;)


Kayla set the last two boxes on the floor of her new room gently before sitting on the floor amid the stacks of cardboard.  She blew her chocolate brown bangs out of her matching eyes.  She skimmed over the labels, trying the find the box she was looking for.  Finally, she located the box labeled as “Kayla’s Eyes Only.”  She smiled and stood up.  She opened up the box quickly, looking for one thing in particular.

                The box held nothing more than what you would expect from the average sixteen-year-old girl trying to keep her things private.  Her sketch pad, diary, and a few books.  Kayla moved them aside, trying to locate her laptop.  She cursed under her breath as she shifted the contents of the box.  “Mom, have you seen my laptop?” she called, slightly panicked.  She kept sorting through the objects in the small box, knowing it wasn’t there, but keeping that small sliver of hope that it would just spontaneously appear.

                “I think Tylor had it, darling.  Check with him.”

                “Tylor.  Of course Tylor has my laptop.  It makes perfect sense, doesn’t it?” Kayla murmured under her breath.

                “He went to put gas in the car about five minutes ago,” her mom yelled up the stairs.  “Why don’t you start unpacking your things?  Or, better yet, come help me unpack the kitchen?”

                Kayla laughed.  “Or I can just shut my door, find my radio, and turn it up nice and loud.”  She shut her white bedroom door before hearing her mother’s reply.  Her mother knew how much she abhorred anything dealing with the kitchen. 

                Kayla closed her personal box and slid it towards the door.   She grabbed another one off of the top of one stack, hoping it was the one she was looking for.  Score.  She pulled out her bright blue bikini and towel.  She went into her baby blue and spring green themed bathroom and changed into the bathing suit quickly.  She went back to the box and grabbed her favorite pair of jean shorts.  She pulled them on and grabbed her orange and yellow floral print tank top, shrugging that over her shoulders as well.

                Kayla moved her personal box away from the door and opened it.  She walked out into the hallway and down the stairs. 

Making her way to the kitchen, she made sure she looked into every room.  The family room closest to the front door, then the dining room, the basement all on the left.  To the right of the foyer was an office to be used by her father only and a bathroom.  The kitchen was at the back of the house, looking out on the backyard.

In the kitchen, Kayla’s mother was busy putting cooking utensils in their places.  She was so busy, in fact, that she didn’t hear Kayla enter the room.


Kayla’s mother gasped.  Upon the realization that it was her daughter who had spoken, she stated, “Kayla, you scared me.”

Kayla giggled.  “Sorry, Mom.  I didn’t mean to.  I was just wondering if I could head over to the community pool once Tylor gets back with the car.  I want to meet people,” she explained.

“It’s the first day you are here.  Nobody will think less of you for staying home and unpacking.  You can meet people later this week.  Can you hand me that box by the door?”

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