Chapter 1: Calum Smut

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"My plane gets off in five minutes. Can't wait to see you, darling." Calum says on the other line of the phone.

"Can't wait to see you." I say back before hanging up.

Calum is coming home after away for four months on tour. My boyfriend, Calum Hood, the bassist in 5 Seconds of Summer. We've been dating for a year now, so you can't call me a groupie. And we've been life long friends.

Calum finally asked me out last February on Valentines Day. It was really sweet. And it was about time he did. We both liked each other, and most people in the 5SOS fam shipped us by then.

"How long did he say?" Joy (his mum) asks.

"Around 5 minutes." I smile.

We are here at the airport waiting for them to get off. And by we I mean Joy and David (his parents), Daryl and Karen (Mikey's parents, Liz and Andy (Luke's parents), Anne Marie (Ashton's mum), Lauren and Harry (Ashton's siblings), and Mali (Calums sister- who is indeed better than him). My parents are out working late so they couldn't come. Oh, and I can't forget the many fans who are here. But they won't mob them.

Oh my god I can't wait to see Calum. I've missed him a lot. I just want to be able to hug him and kiss him and hold his hand.

What the heck? I think. TMI but I've got this weird feeling I need to use the bathroom.

"I'll be back, I've gotta go to the bathroom." I tell Joy then I walk off.

Eventually I find the bathroom and I "do my business" so I hear back. And the fans are screaming... Maybe they arrived!

I quicken my pace and I turn the corner.

I spot Calum. He's hugging his family. I walk a little closer before he notices me.

"Alexis!" He shouts and I run towards him. He wraps his arms around my waist and I wrap my arms around his neck. Calum picks me up a little so I'm standing on my tip toes.

"I've missed you so much." I smile into Calums shoulder.

"I missed you more." He tilts my head up and presses my lips to his.

Ah, it feels good. He's back from tour, so now he has a little break. It feels good for him to be back. To kiss him and his soft pink lips. To cuddle against his warm chest and hear his heart beat.

I pull away and Calum frowns.

"Later." I quickly say and Calum nods.

Everyone hugs each other and says their hello's. It's nice. Everyone is back home, and with their families. Great feeling.

So eventually we all head out to drive back to our houses. Well, I ride in the car with the Hood's. Calum tells stories about things that happened, and talks about places he went. But most of the time I just lean in his shoulder and watch his lips move as he speaks. I catch some of the stories he talks about. Most of them he has already told me. But they are still nice to hear again.

We pull into their driveway and head inside. I follow Calum up to his room. He throws his bag on his bed and shuts the door.

Calum doesn't say anything, he just pulls me in for a kiss. His hands go to my hips and I wrap my arm around his neck. Calum brings my lip between his teeth making me moan his name a little.

I pull back and say, "We can go to my house. My parents are out late.".

"Beat you outside." Calum smiles and runs out. I shake my head laughing and head out.

"We're going to go hang. Bye!" I tell Joy before Calum grabs my arm and pulls me out.

"I'll drive." I throw Calum my keys.

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