Arata Karasu I

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-Welcome to the archives of the Hermes Collective-

"Our goal is to collect, organize and summarize any information and records that could be useful to the research being carried out by the CCG personnel."

I lifted the bright yellow crime scene tape over my head as I entered the grounds outside the CCG Laboratory Division building. I was immediately greeted by Nimura Furuta, who lead me to the side, where the main attraction was located:

“Thanks for coming in, Sasaki!”

“Cut to the chase, what’s been going on?” I inquired

“Well... I believe the image speaks for itself," Nimura chuckled

It was then I saw the horrific crime scene, something I never expected to see in these areas: three bodies, three lifeless Ghoul Investigators, three young men killed in cold blood. Multiple stab wounds across their limbs, blood spilling and gushing. Oozing. One was savagely stabbed to death, making his face unrecognisable.

"Some people called in for backup as they saw a dark figure rampaging outside the building. You got here in good time. This is really nasty.” Nimura informed me. I simply nodded and then proceeded to analyze the bloody mess left by this "dark figure". It was fairly obvious that a human could not kill three men in such a harsh manner, but the chances of a Ghoul to infiltrate in an establishment ran by the CCG were low.

"Any information on the victims?"

"We couldn't identify the poor bastards, except for this one..." Nimura showed me the badge of the unrecognisable victim, "First Class Investigator Kita Matsudaira."

I backed away from the corpses and turned around, adjusting my glasses, "Hm. What about this Dark Figure?"

"We received some valuable information from the witnesses and we also caught a few glimpses of him on camera," Furuta stated, smiling and closing his eyes


"They say Izumo Tsuki killed the Investigators with his special quinque and then wandered inside the building. There was a squad sent, but they never replied back. And after that, we got the reports--"

"And then you called me."

"Precisely!" Nimura said

Why would Izumo do something like this? If what Nimura said was true then it could've been anyone; after all, he did specify that he used the "special quinque". I rarely interacted with Izumo, mostly because I wasn't allowed to, no one was allowed to, but he wouldn't do anything like this without receiving orders from his superiors. It doesn't add up and there's only one way to uncover the truth.

"You seem to be caught in an argument inside your head, Sasaki," Nimura smirked, "sometimes I almost see a second self lurking beneath that surface."

I glared at him, "And you seem to be in a good mood despite the situation we're currently in."

"Oh, I'm sorry, it's just that... this isn't another day at the office."

"What do you mean?"

"I am saying that perhaps this case might be more serious than it looks, and it's piquing my interest."

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