Chapter Two

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The feeling of finally diving to his bed after a long day is a perfection. Timmy can lie at his bed forever. He is so tired he just wants to crawl into his sheets and sleep until the weekend is over. But he hasn't showered yet and he's been with Armie's shirt since this morning. The fact that Armie wore it yesterday and he wore it the whole day today irks him. He really needs to go shower.

He is giving himself at least five more minutes before he heads to his bathroom when his phone signals a notification. He quickly checks it. It is a text message from Saoirse.

SERSH: currently at dinner with the hammers aka ur in-laws
: any weekend plans while armie and i are away, pony?


SERSH: come on, now.
: sorry
: i'm not gonna ask any more deets
: promise

TIMMY: fucking finally

SERSH: enjoy ur weekend, pony
: i'll take care of armie for you. will make sure no one standing ur way 😉

TIMMY: thought you'd stop with the teasing?

SERSH: uh no?
: said i'd stop from asking for details, not with the teasing
: duh

TIMMY: im going to shower now and i will sleep for the whole weekend
: pls enjoy your weekend with ur fam, sersh <3

SERSH: luv u, too tim
: <3

He grabs his charger on the bedside table and charges his phone. After a while, he finally musters the strength to get up and shower. He throws Armie's shirt on the laundry basket along with his other clothes. Not giving a second glance. He takes his time at the shower. Washing away all the thoughts that are bugging him right now. After his shower, he feels refreshed and less tired. Before he heads back to his bed, he fixes himself a quick bowl of cereal and tea. This is how he's gonna spend his Friday night.

While he eats his cereal, he watches some random episodes of Queer Eye on his laptop. He binge-watch all of the episodes with Flo before and now they are stuck waiting for the sixth season. For now, they have to settle by watching random episodes to get their quick fix of some Jonathan Van Ness love. They are both in love with JVN. They love the fab five but JVN is JVN. Saoirse doesn't understand their constant JVN talks so she binge-watch the show in a week so she can catch up with them. Although she agrees JVN is an angel, she likes Tan and Bobby best. Among the three of them, the only fab five they can relentlessly talk for hours is Antoni. Well, it's more of a thirst talk, to be honest. Come on, it's Antoni Porowski.

He chuckles at his thought. This is fun. Friday night alone with Queer Eye is fun. He can deal with this. He finishes his cereal and debates whether he will wash the dishes tonight or not. He hits pause for the meantime to wash his dishes and brush his teeth. He can't be lazy now.

All the while, his phone at his bedside table is currently popping up notifications. He can hear the buzzing sounds but chooses to ignore it as he finishes brushing his teeth. He has notifications on from his favorite Twitter accounts so that might come from those accounts.

Once he is all done. He returns at his bed and hits play again on the episode he is watching. Laughing from time to time because of the Fab 5.

After the episode ended, he shuts his laptop off and readies himself for bed. He is about to unplug his charger from the outlet when he notices multiple notifications on his phone from Instagram and a text message from an unknown number. He ignores the text message and swipes for the notifications from IG.

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