01| Dava

105 15 168

A woman, clad in tight, black leather, pulled our her helmet. Black, curly hair fell out of her helmet, rippling over her shoulders. Her black eyes were set in an intense gaze and her dark skin glowed in the sun. She placed the helmet on her motorbike and walked in the office building, giving the watchman a slight nod. Everyone looked up in awe as she walked in.

A man in light pink shirt and black pants, with curly hair and tanned skin looked up from his file and raised an eyebrow. 

"Really, Ava?"

She shrugged nonchalantly, "What? I'm trying new things."

The boy laughed with his eyebrows raised, "Alright, then."

"What you think I can't be bad ass?" Avanitha spluttered, her eyebrows knit together.

Dan pulled off an exaggerated thinking face, sardonically,"How about...no?"

She gave him a half side smile and said, "Well, you're not wrong."

She pulled aside her leather jacket to reveal her sponge bob t-shirt.

Dan smiled lightly, "That's my Ava."

Ava rolled her eyes, "Get to work, I'm boss around here."

Dan gave her a mock salute, "Sure, boss."

He walked away and Ava smiled at his retreating head.

"Well someone's smitten." a voice behind her said.

Ava jumped, "Jesus, Joy, you've got to stop doing that!"

The black-headed girl looked up from filing her nails and narrowed her eyes, "How many times have I told you to not call me Joy?"

Ava  gave her a confused look, "What else should I call you?"

The girl looked skyward, "Uh, I don't know, maybe by my actual name, Jodie?"

"Joy. Get to work."

Jodie leaned back into her chair and smirked, "You think I don't see what going on here, Sponge bob nerd? "

"What, Jodie?"

"Wow, that sponge bob graphic on your t-shirt is really turning me on." Jodie said, here eyebrows raised.

"Hey, eyes up here Joy. Don't eye rape my t-shirt." Ava said.

" Ugh even a blind person could tell you're into Dan." Jodie said.

"Whaaaaaat-?" Ava said, trying to act disgusted and surprised at the same time, "No, I'm not. Dan and I are just friends"

"Dan and I are just friends," Jodie mocked.

"Is that an impression of me? Because I do NOT sound like that." Ava said.

"You do", a half-bald reedy man with square spectacles wearing a half sleeved shirt said from the other desk, looking at his computer.

"Up top, Mark" Jodie grinned, putting her hand up for him to high five.

"Okay why does nobody actually work here? This is an actual, serious workplace," Ava said, frowning.

"Says the boss wearing a sponge bob t-shirt," Mark remarked, his eyes fixated at his desktop.

"Aye, aye up top, strike two, Mark!"  Jodie high-fived him again.

Ava sighed, "I give up."

"Come on, hoe, I totally think he's into you." Jodie half-yelled.

"Why do I let you call me hoe in my office, that I own, where you work, where I'm boss?" Ava asked.

"Because you love me?" Jodie smiled.

"That seems about right, now back to what you were saying." Ava said.

"I can't have this conversation without my coffee and blueberry muffin," Jodie shrugged, "Sooo..."

"Good Lord, I hate you." Ava said, her eyes shut in anger.

"No you love me," Jodie pointed out.

"Yes she does," Mark said

" A little too much. You're working over time, Mark. Joy, to the cafeteria." 

Jodie got up and walked past Ava, "Yeah, don't call me Joy."


Ava tapped her fingers on the table, "Sooo..?"

Jodie looked up her mouth filled with blueberry muffin and the crumbs around her mouth.

"I'm eating," she said her mouth full. She gulped down what was in her mouth, had a sip of coffee and smiled. "All better. This blueberry muffin was good. I need some to hide under my bed."

"Why would you hide food under your bed?"

Jodie scowled, "What? Take those judgy eyes somewhere else. I get hungry at odd hours. These muffins would go so well with a sexy jar of nutella, I could lick and lick and-"



"I- Fine. Jodie, will you please continue what you were saying earlier?"

"About you loving me?" Jodie asked.

"What? No!" Ava whisper- yelled exasperated. She looked around to check if anyone was listening and then leaned in close, "The thing you said about Dan being into me."

Jodie leaned in close too and whispered, "Why do you want to know?"

Ava pulled back and tucked her curly hair behind her ear, "So maybe, I like him?"

"Aha! I was right! You're so freaking into Dan!" Joy yelled and sprang up from the chair.

"Oh God," Ava whispered trying to cover her face.

"You get all nervous around him with your cute little face, you say all the wrong things and you give these little signs-"

"Joy. Sit down or you're working this Saturday."

Jodie sat down on her chair quickly, "Who the fuck is standing? I'm all about sitting and chairs."

" Yes, I get that. Back to the point of this-" 

"The point of this, Ava, is that I get to say, 'I told you so'" Jodie said, cocking her head sideways.

"Jodie..oh God I can't believe I'm saying this...will you set me up with Dan?" Ava asked, her eyes painfully shut.

Jodie put a finger to Ava's lips "Shhh. Say no more, babe. Project Dava is in full swing."

"Oh no what did I do-" 

"Or would you prefer Avan, Ava?"

Ava forced a smile, "Dava is fine, really."

Jodie grinned, "Dava it is."



There are so many more characters and I am so excited-

Guess who Avanitha and Jodie are?

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