Part 2

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     Emi stared at her phone, dumbstruck. What did she do to it? Nothing seemed different. She felt a wave of stress wash over her. What if she put a virus in my phone? Or... deleted all of my contacts and replaced them with others? I need to calm down. 

     She tapped on her Music app, then her playlist. Instantly an earsplitting sound erupted from her headphones. The sound pierced Emi's ears like all the sounds in the world could not even be compared to it. The memory of her first riding a bike popped into her head, then vanished. Soon other memories started disappearing from her mind. 

     The world was being engulfed by blackness. Her mom cried, reaching for her daughter. Then, gone. Next was her baby brother. He was trying to get away, but couldn't walk yet. He reached out, then vanished. Her best friend, Adeline, tried to save him, oh how brave she was. It only made the pain worse for her when she, too was taken. Her teachers, her friends, her family, her pets, her life was being engulfed. And now, her.  The sound was growing, getting louder, louder, louder, louder. 

Something crawled into her ear. 

Something dangerous. 

Something evil. 


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