pillow fight

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Sidney woke up from a loud bang. He couldn't assign it at first, he was still in his dreamed memory of kissing Charlotte under the tree, holding hands with her in her room. But after a while he thought he could hear loud screaming. It sounded as if someone was calling for help. A woman. Miss Heywood. Charlotte.

Quickly jumping out of bed, he almost forgot to put on a shirt.

But he didn't care. Charlotte needed help. He could still hear her scream.

Following the noises, he walked out of his room where he now stayed again and followed the corridor to the back rooms. It was Henry's.

Wumms. Wumms.

"Ah, no. No let go of me," she screamed. Sidney ran opened the door. Scared.

What he saw amazed him. The children, armed with wooden swords and sticks fought with each other in a game. But what completely irritated him was she.

Charlotte lay on the floor. The brown dress she was wearing and her petticoat twisted and slipped up, one leg bare to the knee. He could see the green of her garter. Distracted, he didn't notice Henry coming at him and throwing a pillow at his head.

And since Mr Parker had done nothing but stare at Miss Heywood, the pillow hit him unexpectedly in the middle of his face. Still distracted, but he caught it.

"Princess Charlotte look, the Prince has come to our rescue," Jenny shouted. Charlotte looked him in the face and immediately noticed where his gaze wandered again and again.

"Oh." She blushed and smoothed her skirts.

"I erm..I heard you scream..." he tried an explanation attempt.

He just caught a fleeting smile that lit her face before the next pillow hit him in the face again. This time it was Alicia.

Big laughter from all present. The loudest was Miss Heywood's and he thought he had never heard anything more beautiful. His heart contracted at the sound. Shaking his head to get rid of the feeling, he threw the pillow back with force. A screeching and shouting made the room shake. His nieces and nephew ran around and fell over each other as he tried to get someone with the second pillow. When he found Henry he wanted to throw the pillow at, he pulled out and threw directly.... at Miss Heywood.

"Oh, that..." he was about to apologize as she threw her head back and laughed out loud. It was vibrating all over his body. Then she called out loudly,

"Attack!" and ran, as far as it was possible in the medium-sized room, swinging the pillow towards him. He just ducked away, but she caught him in the back of his head. He pretended it hurt pretty badly.

"Oh, Mr Parker!" she said softly and leaned over to him.

"I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to hurt you." The grin was a lie to her words.

He rubbed the back of his head, smiling at her with glittering eyes and her heart stopped for a moment.

How handsome he was. These eyes. So intense.

With her big eyes she looked at him a little dreamy, but after a moment, she had herself under control again and smiled shyly at him. He turned around and leaned forward, of course on purpose. At the sight of his..... Lower back Charlotte blushed and turned away.

The children ran into each other and it became a real wild pillow fight that made Charlotte think of home. For a brief moment, her thoughts drifted off to Willingden. Distracted as she was, she didn't really notice the following.

But suddenly it made a loud boom and they all fell on each other in a ball of arms and legs. Well, they all fell on Mr Parker. The kids were laughing and screaming.

Charlotte stopped laughing as soon as she realized what had happened. Immediately pushing on one arm away from him, she shifted the angle and was now really in a very...... awkward position, as Sidney noted. He adjusted her so that it was comfortable again. Her eyes hadn't left his all along. Cheeks weren't blushing, but she had turned a little pale.

"Forgive me."

His scratchy voice let a shiver run through her body and she trembled slightly. Sidney's hands lay on her waist. Slowly he raised his head and she lowered hers. Completely forgotten, the children were, but before they did what they both wanted so much, Jenny shouted....

"I'm hungry!"

"Breakfast" the other two called and jumped up.

Charlotte got up in a flash, she had no idea if she had eventually hurt him, because he squeezed his eyes shot as if he was in pain. She was slightly dizzy. Either from jumping up too fast or from him......she would rather not think about what almost happened. And that in front of the children! Luckily they hadn't noticed anything.

Reaching out her hand to Sidney to help him up. Of course it was complete nonsense, she could never pull him up. But as enthusiastic as he took her hand, he seemed to need physical contact before they left Henry's room. Who knew when the next time they had time for.....some privacy?

"We have to clean up." she admonished the children and told Sidney to leave the room.

"But it was just so funny, Charlotte." Jenny sulked.

"Yes, I thought so too." Sidney said with this special smile to Charlotte.

Sidney smiled into the round and then followed the kids outside while Charlotte picked up the pillows. To calm her nerves and her galloping heart, she was happy to be alone for a moment. Breathing deeply, she turned to the door, where he stood and waited for her.

"That wouldn't be necessary..." softly, almost shyly, she looked up at him as she approached.

He let out a brief throatily laugh.

"It was, I wanted..." they stood now before the room and he nodded. Only with this look could she make sure that he did what she asked. What could she let him do?

A button on his shirt collar was torn off by the wild play and Charlotte could see his clavicles underneath. A short image scurried through her head as she pulled the fabric hard to feel the skin underneath.

"Miss Heywood," he murmured in a teasing tone, "Charlotte..." he whispered close to her ear. His breath tickled her skin, her neck hair rising. She leaned closer to hear better, almost touching him. Embarrassed and anxious for distraction, Sidney asked again

"Charlotte, are you here?"

"Yes?" she asked back absent and waited. Sidney looked at her piercingly and suddenly they both knew how close they were. Their eyes caught for a moment. A moment too long, for they knew that there would be no turning back now. He leaned closer and kissed her lovingly, but much too briefly on her full lips.

Charlotte leaned more in Sidney as he wrapped an arm around her waist, the kiss became a little more.....almost greedy. The grip on her side became tighter, his fingers scratching her skin underneath and she had to gasp for air. Those made Sidney come back to his senses.

"We shouldn't do this."

"Hmmm" nodded, she agreed with him, but did not open her eyes yet.

She was like a sleepwalker. His warm fingers stroked briefly over her blushing cheek and after her eyes opened and flickered a few times, she shrugged briefly. But instead of stepping away from him, she stretched out to him and stole one last kiss.

"Charlotte." Confusion was written on her face and he grinned amused.

"Oh, I'm sorry" was the only thing she could say.

"I am not."

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