5. Can't get along with alcohol

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Well, at Seth Morgestern's home, you can find three things: a cozy sofa, music from high-quality speakers and soundproof walls to make the most of any album without having to deal with neighbors' complaints

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Well, at Seth Morgestern's home, you can find three things: a cozy sofa, music from high-quality speakers and soundproof walls to make the most of any album without having to deal with neighbors' complaints. Then sometimes there're also Charlie and I, like tonight.
When I saw Benton's beautiful, smiling face appearing from the kitchen, a weight rose from my heart; after the events with the owner of the house I just didn't feel like staying alone with him.

So, with the newfound serenity, we started Saturday night with a slice of pizza ordered at the corner restaurant and a sip of cold beer. The dinner was replaced with video games, a joint passed from hand to hand and, at each lost match, a further gulp - it is then, by itself, that the alcohol level in the blood increased enormously, especially in my case.
That's how, in less than two hours, I started to feel my head spin and grumble, but I don't want to give up: giving the victory to one of the boys with me is like highlighting the experiential gap that separates us.

Charlie notices my too cheerful laugh and heavy eyelid, so he takes the joystick away from me: «Okay, for Jay the game ends here» his being responsible emerges, making my lips twist. I know he does it for my own good, that it was Jace who asked him to take care of me, and yet I can't help but find myself annoyed by the thing - albeit involuntary, this is a surrender.
I mumble something, trying to stretch myself so far as to take up the weapon with which I tried to defend myself so far, but I end up lying badly on his legs. I feel his thighs crush my breast, while one of the knees tries to twist my ribs and squeeze the stomach in a very dangerous way - it's so full and swollen that if Benton were wrong to move I would end up vomiting even my soul.

Suddenly Seth passes by, tearing the joystick from his friend's grip: «Let her lose and drink, at least I'm having a little fun» he jokes, handing me both the loot of his raid and the umpteenth bottle just uncorked, from which he will have take a couple of sips.

Charlie gives him a grim look, reluctant to see how miserable I can become by swallowing alcohol. On his face is readable the obvious desire to reproach and remind him that. after all, I am the puppy of the group and should not take such liberties, especially in the absence of my brother, but he holds back, perhaps fearing to end up in the middle of yet another bickering.

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