Hidden Weapons

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(AUTHOR'S NOTE: So waaay back in Why Me? I had an archangel named Ramiel who was a spell crafting mastermind and was the angel responsible for hunters. He taught the first ones, helped them build spells against demons etc etc. He had a pendant that did something rather useful. So there's the reference you will see later in this chapter. Sorry folks, I just keep building on my prior stories)

She managed to pass off her nervousness as excitement about the dance to her friends. Several times Castiel's voice came to her, reassuring her he was watching over her. They made it through the dinner without any issues then they all piled into their cars and headed to the club the school had rented out that was where the dance was being held. As soon as she pulled out of the parking lot Castiel appeared next to her, she jumped and the car swerved. 

"Damn it Uncle Castiel!" 

He looked at her and chuckled, "Seems under stress you take more after Dean than Sam. I will be inside the building although no one will see me." 

"I should have gotten you a boutineer to put in your coat. You're basically my date." 

He gave her an odd look, "I am not sure that would be appropriate, I am much older than you and not even human after all. What would your fathers say?" 

For a moment she thought he was being serious until she spotted the laughter in his eyes and couldn't help herself. What started as a giggle ended up turning into a full on laugh, something she never thought she'd been capable of while on the way to be bait for demons. "Good thing I wore the waterproof makeup," she said as the laughter brought tears to her eyes, "Honestly, I have a feeling that anyone I ever bring home is going to have a hard time getting my fathers approval, much less yours." 

He pondered it for a moment, "Perhaps we should save time then. When you find someone that interests you. I'll meet them, inform you of their entire life history and true feelings, then you decide if it would be wise to introduce them to your fathers." 

"But that takes all the fun out of it!" She protested. 

He knew her much better than that, "Does it?" 

She shot him devious grin and a wink, "Isn't that kind of evil? Using an angel to pick the perfect man?" 

"No, it's rather pragmatic,"  he disappeared, leaving a ghostly chuckle behind. 

She laughed again. Fifteen minutes later she pulled into the club parking lot, her smile died as reality set back in. "All right MJ, remember, hunt things, save people, family business. This was your idea after all." She took a deep breath, turned Sass off and got out. 

She's at the dance. All appears safe. Cas's voice rang in both of their minds, She's doing rather well so far.

It's still early, Sam pointed out, but good to know. 

They'd decided not to stake out the club. They wouldn't be able to get to her any faster than Cas could and too many questions would be asked if they ran in and started exorcising demons at Prom. So they'd spent the time cleaning weapons, prepping, pacing and trying to stay occupied. As the hours stretched both of them had lapsed into silence. They both felt their old hunter habits start coming back, they became more alert, edgy, and focused. By the time Cas checked in they were keyed up as tight as they'd ever been. 

"Didn't realize how crappy this feels till now," Dean said. His shoulders were tight and he couldn't seem to stay still. 

"Yeah, we really are out of practice. How the hell did we live like that for so long?" 

Dean shrugged, "Didn't know anything else?" 

Sam just nodded, "We also never were waiting for something to happen, we usually just found a job, rolled into town, took care of it and left. Maybe that makes it worse." 

Don't Wake The Sleeping Dragon (Book Two of the SPN New Legacy Series)Where stories live. Discover now