Chapter 6- "I Almost Lost You."

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I sat there for about twenty minutes, crying until my head started to hurt.

The irritating sound of a hospital bed's wheels made me look up.

Two nurses were pushing a bed, followed by a kind looking doctor with a clipboard.

The nurses wheeled the hospital bed into the room that Benedict was supposed to be in, which made fresh tears spring to my eyes.

The doctor, however, stopped and knelt down next to me, and asked if I was okay.

I just shook my head sadly.

"I'm guessing you've just received some bad news?" He asks softly.

"M-my friend, he uh, he passed away. And I just feel so alone. And so helpless, even though there was nothing I could do."

"Would you like to help me with one of my patients? Maybe then you'll feel a little less helpless."

I nod and let him lead me into the room that the nurses has gone into with the bed.

"I was wondering if you could just get this man to eat something. He's just come out of surgery and is a bit dozy from the anaesthetic. There are some biscuits on the table."

I nod and he leaves the room. I perch on the side of the mans bed, and look at his face for the first time. And I gasp. And start crying. And bury my head into his chest."

Because when I look up, I am meeted by a pair of startling blue-green eyes. And soft, curly dark hair. And sharp cheekbones and pink lips.

Mr. Cumberbatch opens his eyes as I pull away from him. A small, heart-melting smile creeps into his face. And a single tear spills from the corner of his right eye.

"Diana." He mouths my name weakly.

"Yes?" I say timidly.

"I love you." He says, although it comes out more like "uv oo" because he's sleepy from the anaesthetic they gave him before the surgery.

I then start to really cry, and laugh at the same time. He cries too, but he can't move his body much, so tears drop from the corners of his eyes and run down his temples.

"I almost lost you."

"I almost lost you." He replies.

Just then the doctor enters the room again.

"Oh, I am so glad you and your friend are reunited. Fortunately, the test results are fine, so he's ready to go home whenever you are." He smiles.

About half an hour later, Benedict and I are walking out the hospital. He's on crutches, and can walk fine with them, but he insists that I put my arm around him 'just in case.' This makes me laugh.

His house, he tells me, is minutes away from the hospital, so we get there just as it gets dark.

His hous is beautiful. It's Georgian, white with six evenly spaced windows along the front and ivy growing up the sides. It's huge, and in his driveway is parked a light blue old fashioned Jaguar.

The inside is just as gorgeous. There are red carpets and a grand staircase.

"Would you like a drink?" He asks politely. I shake my head, still in awe of how rich he must be. It's even bigger than my house, which says something, considering mine is 12 bedrooms!

"I'd like to show you something. Follow me." He says softly, holding my hand and walking up the staircase.

He leads me into a pretty room with a wide window filling up almost a whole wall, from which you can see the stars.

It's so beautiful, so I just murmur, "wow..."

He smiles too, and slips his arm around my waist. Then, he picks me up and carries me onto the bed. He climbs in with me.

"You seem exhausted." He comments.

"I am." I smile faintly, my eyelids drooping.

Benedict pulls me in close, and I breathe in his sweet smell, and fall asleep to the feeling of his heart beating gently against my head.



thank you so much for 150 reads! I apologise for not updating in a long time, I just haven't had much inspiration lately. But, I'm back with a new chapter and I hope you enjoy it!

I love you, Mr. CumberbatchWhere stories live. Discover now