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   "This is why Linda ran away with that actor, this is why she doesn't write to you anymore." Irene remarked coldly after Sarah came home once again, a dark mark on her neck. Sarah glared hatefully at the woman who called her father his second wife. She absolutely despised it when her step mother used her mom's name.

   "At least when you were fourteen you didn't come home late on purpose. You aren't an adult Sarah, but you do need to grow up." Her icy  tone resonated in her piercing blue eyes. Though her points were valid, her soul was dark and tainted. The teenage girl felt that woman didn't deserve to call herself a step mother.

   "Your eyes can be so cruel." She hissed, turning on her heel as she stomped up the stairs defiantly. Slamming her bedroom door, she fell onto her quilt, staring at the floral papered walls. Tossing on her side she ran her eye across the small brown mount on the wall with one blank spot that used to hold a teddy bear. Lancelot team was cared for dearly by the now three year old Toby. The teens mind began to drift at how she had nearly lost Toby. She chuckled dryly through her emotional exhaustion.

   "I wish the goblins would come and take ME away right now." The corners of her lips turned up as she snuggled her pillow wanting to sleep after such a draining argument. Her eyelids slid over the crystal moons in her skull while the lights in her head turned off.

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