Chapter 20

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Katsuki wore his cap over his hair and watched the screen with horror... He had seen glimpses of Hayley battling Nomu's at Endeavor's side but now, he only saw the Pro-hero, Hayley was nowhere to be seen. He had a horrible feeling in his chest... it felt as if he was suffocating.

Grabbing his phone he dialled her number right away but it was the same annoying tone every time...

"Dead..." Katsuki muttered clenching his bag, "Dammit blondie, if you're not dead and ignoring me, I'm gonna kill you myself!" Katsuki hissed, "That's not very hero-like bro!" Kirishima sang as he scrolled through his own phone, "Just admit it! You're worried." Katsuki stiffened, "OF COURSE I'M WORRIED SHITTY HAIR!!! We're meant to be training this week and I can't have her slacking off!" Sero snickered, "He's whipped, isn't he?" Kirishima nodded. Kaminari slid in and gained the boy's attention, 'watch this.' the boy mouthed before placing his phone to his ear, "I'm gonna try to call her." Katsuki rolled his eyes, "Her phone's dead moro-

"Hey, you finally answered! Are you okay?" Kaminari's voice was concerned. The boys watched as Katsuki's face became curious. As if there was truly someone on the line,

"Oh, maybe I could stop by and help you with your assignment?" Kirishima stepped aside as Katsuki stormed towards the boy, "Give me that!!!"

"Oi! Listen up you shitty girl! I'm helping you train and with your damn assignment!"

"Eh!? Kachan!?!?"

The boys burst into laughter

"DEKU!? Why the fuck do you have Hayley's phone!?!?" Katsuki sparked explosions,

"Um... I d-don't, Kaminari phoned my mobile, n-not Hayley's..."

The three boys behind Katsuki burst into laughter, "He even used her name and not 'Shitty girl' " Kaminari mimicked Katsuki's tone,

"K-kachan... she's in surgery... I-I don't have details but she's okay, y-you don't need to be worried." Izuku stuttered through the line, "I'm Not worried you damn Deku!"

Katsuki tossed Kaminari's phone at Sero, "Get your ass here you damn Pikachu!!!" Katsuki chased Kaminari around the station.

"He's back..." Kirishima smirked.


Hayley was wheeled into the room with Iida, Shoto and Izuku, "Hayley! How do you feel!?" Izuku grinned at his friend. The rest of the boys nodded as they waited for her reply, "I feel like I've been hit by a train, but not squashed entirely. How about you guys?" Izuku and Iida had quite a few injuries and Shoto a few wrappings here and there, "Other than Todoroki believing he is The hand crusher, we're good" Iida spoke. The girl smiled at her friends confused, "The what?" Shoto gazed up and looked over at her hands, Hayley's right wrist was bandaged confirming Shoto's theory, "I seemed to have taken yours, I'm deeply sorry." Shoto stood before bowing non-stop, "Uh... what is he doing?" Hayley questioned Izuku, "It's a long story..." 

After getting into some serious trouble by the chief of police, along with his gratitude, Hayley was told that she would have to stay another 2 days due to her fire quirk that caused some concerns with the doctor. 

"Enji said you were amazing Hal!" Johnny smirked proudly as Diane placed some flowers on her bedside. Hayley sat grinning, "It means a lot to me that Endeavour thinks that. He helped me develop my flame quirk so much, but I can't wait to start training with you dad!" Johnny swung his arm over Hayley's shoulder, "We'll get started right away! How about we-"

Diane raised her hand, "Sorry to put out your spark, but Doctor's orders state that Hayley is not allowed to use her flame quirk for a week. She needs to heal honey..." Johnny and Hayley's shoulders dropped, "But in the meantime... we can work on that trick Izuku taught you?" Diane sat on the bed, "That boys knowledge on quirk development is amazing!" Johnny agreed, "He has a great talent, we should have him join us for dinner one night to discuss him assisting us." Hayley shrugged, "I wouldn't mind, but I've kinda promised Katsuki that he can help me train too." Diane's eyes widened, "Oh? Well, then you better work out a schedule to work with both boys then, I'm sure Katsuki will understand that you're working with Izuku, he seems like the protective type anyway" Diane smirked as her daughter began blushing, "I-its not like that, there's nothing going on between us!" Johnny stood clueless, "Am I missing something?" Diane winked at her daughter, "Nothing dear, now, let's head home." Johnny stared at Hayley, "Boys are bad..." Hayley rolled her eyes, "Sure dad." 

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