Its tough to be god

348 9 13

Basically an au where John enrolls as a god tier but refuses to take part of the hierarchy so Sera and Arlo try to convince him to John the hierarchy in some way... you get the idea.

Bold: the person talking
(In bold brackets): (apart of the music but not said/sung by anyone really)
Normal: singing
Underlined: talking
Italic: changed lyric

John: I hardly think I'm qualified to come across all sanctified. I just don't cut it with the cherubim

Arlo: John, what are you talking about?!

John: Owwww!!!!

Arlo: There again they're on their knees, being worshipped is a breeze! Which rather suits us in the interim.

(The interim, the interim)
(That's me and them, oh my god!)

Sera: It's tough to be a God, tread where lower tiers have not trod.

John: Be deified when really you're a sham.

Arlo: Be an object of devotion

Sera: Be the subject of psalms

John: It's a rather touching notion, all those prayers and those salaams

Arlo: exactly!

John: and who am I to bridle if I'm foreced to be an idol? If they say that I'm a God, that's what I am!

Sera: What's more, if we don't comply with the locals' wishes, I can see us being outcasted or disrespected!

John: You have a point, that's very good thinking.

Arlo: So let's be Gods, the perks are great!Yeah, Wellston on our plate. Thank you!

John: Local feeling should not be rebuffed

(Never rebuffed)
(A-never rebuff a local feeling)

Sera: No, my friend!

John: It's tough to be a God... but if you get the peoples' nod...

Arlo: Count your blessings, keep 'em sweet

Arlo, Sera: That's our advice!

John: It's great advice!

Sera: Be a symbol of perfection

John:Be a legend, be a cult

Arlo: Take their praise, take the collection as the multitudes exalt.

Sera: Don a supernatural habit

John: I'd be crazy not to grab it!

Arlo: You got it!

Arlo, Sera: So sign up one new God for the hierarchy!


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