flashback 1998

33 0 0

Y/n sat a table in the coffee shop,trying to focus on her work she was a nurse at her hospital but when a virus broke out,she was forced to work at home for the rest of the month.she sighed realizing that she would have to work this way for a while but besides the work she did love a window that was in the back of the coffee shop behind that window there was a huge lake she loved to look at from time to time,she smiled at the lake noticing how beautiful it is, it looked sort of addicting,so she decided she was done for the day she and that she had enough work on her hands and she was done and she would finish it tomorrow, she walk to the lake and sat on the sand mesmerizing how beautiful it was,after a couple minutes of sitting there she decided to get up and go home but it felt like her body wasn't letting her, it felt like she was atracted to it and couldn't go anywhere,when she stood up her feet felt stuck to the ground like glue she suddenly lifted her head when she saw something in the water it moved ever so slowly, it's like the creature was letting her examine it,it looked scary it had webbed hands and it's yellow eyes pierced her soul, it had grey skin and pearl white teeth,its tail had scales it looked like she was half monster and half fish and her long hair looked black and slimy, her ears were finned also and she suddenly heard a voice in her head

"Don't be afraid...I won't hurt you....come on in!"

But she was afraid, too afraid to go in the water but the voice still sounded convincing and calming it made her want to go in the water,The voice made her believe that she wouldn't get hurt...So she jumped in the water she suddenly heard a screech louder than anything she's heard before as she saw the creatures mouth wide open the creature grabbed her throat and choked her is it kept on screeching in the water,y/n felt helpless and felt like she was drowning,slowly dying she held the creatures hands in attempt to free her throat from its grasp,but to no avail for its grip was too strong she suddenly felt another pain other than drowning,a sting on both sides of her neck,she felt like her skin was being scratched away and her feet felt numb no matter how hard she kicked or tried to free herself from the grasp of the creature it did not work the grasp too strong to move,her vision suddenly went white,her mind went blank and she felt weak then her lungs felt like they were being filled up with tar,like her body was being taken over...If only she hadn't gone to the lake,her hands started shaking as she felt something on them... Webbing?...It seemed as if she wasn't dying,more like turning into something, both sides of her head hurt,like her ears were being removed, and it felt like something was growing where her ears were cut off,suddenly she could hear things better and the same thing happened with her nose it felt like it was being removed and replaced with something she could suddenly sense things better,her sense of smell even stronger than before and her vision improved but she still couldn't breathe correctly,suddenly she could breathe again,all the pain she felt a few seconds ago was gone,like it never happened,her cheekbones felt sharper than they were and everything felt new she could still remember herself at the cafe drinking coffee and writing on her typewriter at home but when she got up to go inside the cafe,she was in water she looked around not sure of her environment,it felt strange how could she breathe? She suddenly felt a sharp pain on her hand, she looked at it she had nails? They look more like claws but when she looked at the rest of her hand her hand was gray and webbed like the hand of the creature she saw before! Like the one that choked her!!the one that made her feel like she was dying!How did this happen?how is she breathing underwater? Why did she feel safe when she went into the water? She had so many questions,but none of them got answered, she couldn't feel her legs it felt like she had one leg but when she look down that one leg looks like a fish fin,it had scales like the creature she saw before and suddenly had a craving for fish and meat,she tried to stand up on the fin but instead of standing she started swimming like it was propelling her through the water she felt so fast and free she could hear,see,smell,sense and most of all she felt new and unafraid she felt fierce and like she could kill someone if she wanted to,like nothing could stop her,she felt motivation and no fear...

underwater(BTS ff)Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz