Chapter 1: Hats

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Rushing down the hallway excited, he burst into the kitchen. "Look what I found!" Jeff sang, tone full of playfulness. Swinging the object back and forth. Sitting at the table, Slender man, Sally and Jack turned to Jeff. Their faces dropped when they saw the reason for his sudden out burst. Slendy scowled him, "You know you're not allowed that!" Jeff shrugged, with a devilish grin. Analyzing the object, he huffed. He Threw it on his head, Eyeless Jack couldn't help but snicker. "Dude! That doesn't suit you... at all!" He laughed. Sally giggled as well. A light bulb flashed in his brain, "Hi! I'm Benny! I wear a green skirt and play with masks!" he made a derp face, speaking in a higher tone and walking around like an idiot. Pissing themselves, Jack and Sally caught their breaths. Enjoying the attention, Jeff continued. "I like playing video games, but I hate bath time! I kicked Slendy in the face when he put me in the tub!" Slender man grunted at the memory and continued to read his news paper. Sally leaned across the table, her stomach hurting from laughing so much. "Do another one!" she begged. Shrugging, he spoke again. "My name's Ben Drowned! I'm called drowned 'cause that's what happened! I literally can't swim to save my life!" Jeff made little swimming actions and pretended to drown in the middle of the kitchen. Jack held his stomach in agony as he chuckled. Kicking his feet under the table. 

"JEFF!" A loud, harsh voice reaped through the mansion. Jack caught his breath and huffed, "Oh you are so dead bro!" The killer gulped and turned around to see Benny standing in the door way, in his normal suit, missing his favorite piece of clothing... His hat. Chuckling nervously, Jeff backed away. Ben's eyes were wide with rage, he burst into flames, anger raising up inside of him. "You shouldn't have done that..." he spoke quietly, clenching his fists. Without hesitation, Jeff legged it. Running as fast as he could, he hurdled over the sofa. Looking behind him, Ben was on where in sight. Still checking for Ben, he didn't notice the blue light forming in front of him. Ben Drowned appeared in the hall way, arms crossed. His eyes widened when he saw Jeff speeding at a hundred miles a hour towards him. Putting his arms out to stop him, Jeff crashed straight into Benny. The two hit the floor with a thud, Jeff on top of Ben. He winced, Ben's head had hit the floor pretty hard. "Oops..." Jeff grinned anxiously. Ben's eyes fluttered open, a blush crept up his cheek at the position they were in. Grinding his teeth together, Ben snatched his hat off Jeff's head. "Don't touch my hat!" Jeff nodded slowly and stared at Benny. The sweet smell hit him, flooding his brain with an erg to kill. Feeling a damp sensation behind his head, Ben felt the back of his skull, to find blood escaping from a small cut with in his hair. Growling at himself, he caught Jeff's gaze. "I'm so sorry!" Jeff said quickly before Ben could even open his mouth. Ben sighed and just nodded. "Its fine... Er..." his face was bright red. Sending Jeff a gesture, he claimed off of Ben and helped him up. Ben held his throbbing head and winced. 

Hobbling back to his room as quick as possible, he left Jeff with out another word. Dark blooded tears welled up in his eyes, as he abandoned Jeff in the hall. Dashing up the stairs, he slammed his door shut and let the tears fall. It always hurt... Whenever he cried... The tears stung his cheeks as they rolled down his face. His eye's bleed. Allowing his body to drop on to the bed, he stared up at the ceiling, in a fit of sobs. Ben covered his face with his hands and screamed into his palms. GET A GRIP! He thought. Benny was so confused. Catching his breath, he sat up and whipped the last few tears off his cheeks. He sighed, "I need to play..." That always helped. Playing Majora's Mask. It just calmed him. Logging into his file, he waited until another mortal started to play as well. A new file appeared, a small grin appeared on Benny's face. He watched the player breaking pots, harvesting diamonds. He saw his chance. He appeared behind the Link avatar. When they turned around, he heard them gasp. "What the fuck is that?!" The human's voice spoke from the other side of the screen. Benny smiled wickedly. "You've met with a terrible fate haven't you..." The player hit Ben with their sword, but he wasn't affected. He laughed and pulled out his flute instrument and began to play the song of unhealing. The avatar burst into an array of flames. They let out a death cry, filling Ben's eyes with amusement. Cursing, the player tried to restart the game, but to no avail. "What the fuck?!" they spat. Ben's face appeared on the screen, with the caption, "You shouldn't have done that..." and like that, Ben stuck one hand out of the screen, then the next. Gasping the desk, he pulled himself forward, reviling his horrifying face to the human boy. Blooded tears streamed down his black eyes, pale skin and sharp claws scratched the wooden surface of the desk. He screamed and ran for the door. It slammed shut. 

Back to the oak wood of the poorly painted door, the boy was hyperventilating. "Please... Just let me go... Y-your Ben D-drowned right?!... I'm a fan!" He tried to talk Ben out of what he was planning to do. A wicked smirk smacked his lips, he laughed. "Fan!?" Taking his flute, he held it to his mouth. The boy jumped, landing on his knees, be began to cry at Ben's feet. "Please! I-I'll do what ever you want... just let me live!" Ben had never seen someone beg this much, and none of them ever knew who he was. Lowering his blue flute, he looked at the young boy. He seemed around fourteen, shaggy black hair, blue eyes and white PJs. Ben's throat grew dry, as he stared at the boy. "Y-you... you look like..." he shook the thought away and hid his pain. Crying in front of his victims wasn't his style. The boy seemed confused. "I look like who?" he asked, beginning to calm. The child's cheeks were red and puffy were the tears had soaked his skin. Ben gulped, he tried to play the flute, but he couldn't find the strength to even put the damn thing to his lips. He sighed. Playing hadn't helped him. It had just made things worse. Approaching the static TV screen, he put his hand through, only to feel a tug on his t shirt. Turning around, the boy stared at him with wide eyes. "I know that look..." he spoke quietly, stuttering. Ben blushed slightly and growled at him. "Then you know you should leave me alone..." he replied, giving the boy a side ways glance. The boy sent him a small smile, "Chin up Benny! Everything gets better!" Ben stopped claiming into the TV and turned around. "Look kid! Your lucky I haven't cooked you! Call me Benny again and I grip your heart out and give it to Jack!" The boy held his hands up and backed away. "Hey! I'm just trying to help you..."

"I don't need help from a human! You know nothing!" He boy shrugged and stared at Ben. Ben stared at his eyes, tearing up slightly. The boy smiled at Ben, "Trust me dude! Who ever this chick is, she digs you!" Ben blushed and turned away from him, crawling back into the TV. "Yeah... chick..." he mumbled and re-entered his room. Standing in the middle of his room, he sighed and rubbed his arms. He'd gotten a cold chill. Thinking about that boy, what he said, what he looked like. Ben's face tensed. He held the bridge of his nose and held back tears. "I shouldn't have done that..." 


Hi! I'm kinda new to the CreepyPasta fandom, but I have learned... a lot... Just gonna say one thing, so I don't waste your time.... SLEEPYGAME 4EVA!

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