Again ..

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Gray's pov

Myles passed out , again .My brother's health has been unstable since day one ,but it has never been this bad . He has never passed out twice in one day .
"Dad we can't keep them apart , Myles's body won't be able to handle it.  He'll die . I love cupcake . You know id die too if he was to die . I would follow him anywhere . " I didn't even notice I was crying . Only Myles can make a strong alpha like me cry .

" Go to the office ,I kept contact information of the royal family incase of imergencies . "
And that's what I do , with Myles still I'm my arms . Right now I'm freaking out and he is the only thing keeping me from tearing this house down.

*Damien pov *

I ordered my security team to look for the  people that own the cabin . It's Alpha Henry and Alpha Chase .As I get into my office to call them and ask who had rented it ,My phone rings

* D- Alpha Damien ,G-Alpha Gray *

D - " hello ."
G- " King Damien ,we need to talk ."
I remember that voice ,it's the man . I don't know why I didn't remember before . The man is who shot me is Alpha Grayson,their son .
D-" we do don't we ? Mind explaining to me why you shot me and ran away with my mate . On that note ,where is my little prince . Where are you !!. ? "
G-"Alpha i apologize for my behavior earlier but please keep your voice down. Cupcake is sleeping in my arms right now . He is not ok . He had a panic attack again ..."
D- " Pup I said where the fuck are you . My mate is in the arms of another man. He had a panic attack . I hope you understand I don't give two fucks about what you are talking about . I need the location "
The little bitch told me the address and I got the chopper . Leo is going with me .
Kyle and Tamira will be incharge till I come back .
The flight was short ,we landed on the roof of their mansion and Alpha Henry  was waiting .
"Alpha Damien I hope you know I respect you but that's my son you are mated to . If you hurt him I'll decapitate you without a second thought. I won't even hesitate to do it . Now let's go he's still out though . I hope your presence will help him ."
I'm not going to lie ,I'm the King but for a second I was scared. I didn't know he had two sons and I should know everything . Something is going on here.

" I get it Alpha please just let me see him " at this point I'm begging ,I don't care,  his scent is faint here I need more .
" Ok ok let's go  to the office .Gray hasn't let him go since he passed out I'm not sure if he'll let you touch him . Those boys haven't been separable since birth .' "
So the little dick fucker is his twin brother . I won't have to kill him after all.We head towards to roof exit ,down the stairs then into a hallway with many rooms . Soon we are at a office .
Even though Alpha Grayson is his twin brother I can't stop the loud growl that escapes my mouth . He is sitting on the sofa with my mate lying ontop of him .
He carefully places him down , heads towards me and whispers ,"Alpha , I better find him in one peace or the werewolf community will look for a new king ."
Then suddenly Leo is on the floor with Alpha Grayson on top of him . They are kissing each other like there's no tomorrow.
The bang they caused when falling resulted in my mate waking up .
As soon as our eyes locked , I went to him and embraced him like white on rice .
I need to mark him soon ,his scent is too alluring for any male especially wolves since their senses are enhanced .
" What's your name pup " , I need to know ,I like calling him my prince but I have to know his name .
"It's Myles ,what's yours . "   His voice is beautiful , his name is beautiful , everything about him is beautiful.
"It's Damien ,love . What is this I hear about you passing out . "
"I don't know really . I pass out all the time so it's fine . This time I just felt a lot of pain before it happened .I needed to see you . "
Though I feel bad about the pain he felt ,I'm happy he knew who he needed at that moment . He passes out all the time , when I take him home I'll make sure he never passes out ,ever.

"I'm sorry Myles . You are mine now baby . I'll make sure  you are safe that won't happen ever again . "   His stomach growls
" Let's go eat love ,we'll talk later ."
After that I carried him to the kitchen ,He was clinging to my front like a koala . If I didn't have a boner ,it would have been nice and cute butnow it's frustrating and hard glon my side . I didn't have the heart to remove him though so I let him.
In the dining room , Alpha Chase was setting the table and Alpha Damien was following like a lost child .
"Sit down alpha , I was going to call you just now . " When I moved to place Myles down on a chair he clung onto me and hid his face into my neck .
"Baby why don't you take a sit down and let Alpha Damien breathe . " Alpha said while trying to pull him off of me .

Myles started sniffing " But dad I'm comfy right here and he doesn't mind"   I growled at the man for making my mate sad "Alpha I would appreciate if you take your hands off my mate .
I don't mind him doing this  . Let's eat . "
He knew he couldn't make me change my mind so he let us be .
Alpha Chase was done setting the table . Alpha Grayson and Leo got in and sat next to each other ,Leo seemed uncomfortable during the whole dinner .
Myles was sitting sideways on my lap and he fed me the whole time and ate his share .
" So Alpha Damien what are your intentions with my cupcake . "
I'll answer him even if I don't want to . It's Myles brother so I understand his concern .
"Don't worry , I'll treat him right . If I don't, which I know is impossible, you can help your father castrate me it's fine . "
He seemed convinced and didn't say anything after that   . We talked about the meetings to be held in the following months .
Myles seemed to be getting sleepy after eating .
I don't know how he is still sleepy ,he was out most of the day today .

Afterwards Myles led me to his room .
Alpha Chase came to open the door the minute it closed
"The doors are staying open in this house . No funny business . "
He said then walked away .

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