Imagine if they...

394 10 1

Sold cars

Bon: Has some kind of charm, but most customers find him a bit...drunk-there aint no better way to describe it. Having a work like this isn't really helping him financially, since he's already had to pay for the cars witch roofs he slaps too hard

Angus: Doesn't really know anything about cars...or how too sell. He's the cashier for when people wants to buy extra stuff for their cars

Malcolm: Knows what kind of stuff different people buy, he can scam the rich and knows how too get away with the other less leagal stuff

Cliff: Is very nice, but doesn't get that much sold since he's not so preachy

Phil: Knows everything there is too know about cars. It's a shame that people don't find him nicer

~Wish recuests could sell

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