His love

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"Harry?" - whispered Louis
"What Lou?" - harry said
"What you think about us? We can't be together ?" - Louis started talking
"We will be together forever ... listen me i promise we will be together. Trust me Lou this is not the end we can do it " - Harry started shouting
[next morning]
Harry listened that Louis is in hospital.
He wake up, tears in his eyes... He sat in the car and started driving how fast he can.
He is finally at hospital. He runs and find some doctor.. The doctor said that Louis had car crash last night and he is not good at all.
Harry starts crying more and more, so he stayed at hospital.
Finally it's morning so he can see Louis.
Harry open the door.. Louis was laying in bed his eyes was close. Harry run and touch his hand and whispers " everything will be alright we will be together remember it I'm with you"

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