The Undisputed Warriors: The Peak

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" It seems that all you have done have been for nothing." Mr. Wolff breathing hard. "I'm not finished with you yet wolff. Just let me show you the real reason why I stopped fighting." Prince getting up wiping blood from his mouth. The ground starts shaking from miles on miles. Buildings begin to collapse and clouds start darkening the sky. Lightning strikes all around Prince.  The moon was not in sight. Mr.Wolff looking into pearlescent golden brown eyes turn Royal Blue. *laughing*, "I was wondering when you were going to Motivate me." Mr.wolff exclaims as his eyes turn pearlescent Royal Purple. "Shall we watch this?" Asked a White Suited Man. "What choice do we have?" Answered another White Suited Man.

(4 Months Ago)

"What do you mean just walk away? It's been going on long enough. He is priority one. I been following him every since Dark Fury arrived." Mr. Wolff yelling on the phone. "Listen to me before you get yourself killed dog. Sit down and watch your tone with me. He is not to be followed. We have lost many men following this guy Prince. We can't afford to lose you." Says the voice on the phone. "Disrespect me like that again and I will have you running around with your tail between your legs. You called me to handle this and I'm going to handle this." Mr.Wolff Hanging up the phone, taking a drink from his glass. "You always stressing yourself out with this guy." Tasha walking in and sits next to Mr.Wolff. "Everyone thinks I'm a joke. I believe in me as much as you believe in me. I just don't want to lose anyone close to me because of all these people trying to destroy our cities and he's in the middle of it." Mr. Wolff exclaims grabbing the remote flipping through channels. "We interrupt your program to bring you this Worldwide Emergency. NASA has just released video of some sort of bright lights that have been circulating around earth for 2 years. This is live footage now. We have been told that there are 3 bright lights that has just stopped." Says the news anchor.

    "Government agencies always hiding things behind our backs." Tasha says getting up to go in the kitchen to check on the food. "Sources say there have been a breach in our solar system." News anchor continues. "Hold up, we have word that the objects has entered our atmosphere and if you are staying or entering San Francisco. You should evacuate now. God help us all." As the channel goes to emergency screen. "Baby pack our plates, we're leaving." Mr.Wolff going to start packing. "I heard let's go. Call your sister see if she is packing." Tasha picking up the keys throwing the phone to Mr.Wolff as his phone rings. "She's calling me. Hello...Lexi are you there?" Answered mr.wolff. "Hey mateus, Where are you? I'm trailing behind mom and dad now heading out the city."says Lexi. "We're heading out now, you should pass us leaving out." Mateus Wolff grabbing his things going to his truck. Driving through the city mateus joins in  trailing behind his sister, who is trailing behind their mom and dad. "What is that?" Mateus says as the 3 lights break off formation. As one starts falling out the sky onto vehicles in front of them. "I have to go help them." Mateus tells slowing down the truck. "No baby you can't you still don't know how to control it." Tasha grabbing his arm."Those are citizens just like us. I will be damn to let them just die, especially family." Mateus says as his eyes turn into a shadowy purple. Turning looking back in front of him. He watches his mom and dad car flip and his sister swerves into another car."I'll take my chances." Opening the driver door and starts running as tasha grabs the steering wheel.

[Present- Before The War]
Scene forwards to a questioning room

"That's all I know,  that's all I'm telling you. So let me go so I can kill him myself." Mateus says. "We don't want him dead. We want him in for questioning that's it. Plus, we could use him to help us with this situation. You can't handle whatever is out there yourself." Says Detective Cosma." I'll take..."interrupted mateus. "Of course your chances. How many of those you gonna use until you lose someone else close to you?" Says Detective Cosma hitting the table.

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