Chapter 1: The Fire That Started It All

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^Parker up top^

Parker's POV

I was shocked, absolutely terrified as the home I grew up in burnt to the ground with my mother trapped inside. "NOOOO!" I screamed but even to my ears it was drowned out by the sound of the fire. I was grabbed by my arm and slowly pulled away from my old home And the fire that took my mothers life. I turned to look over my shoulder to see it was none other than the father that had abandoned me and my mother minutes after I was born. A few days later it was my mother's funeral, as I saw her lifeless body I couldn't help but start crying again the thought of saying goodbye to the one person in this world who truly loved me was truly heartbreaking "shut up" my supposed father half whispered half yelled, almost everyone turned and stared at us before turning back around after the funeral was over my 'father' dragged my by the arm and pushed me into his car.

As we drove in silence I silently sobbed in the back of the car, "be quiet" my father said after a few minutes I don't even know how he knew I was being so quiet, see what I mean the only person in this world who actually cared about me was gone. and I was stuck with this man who calls himself my father, I doubted that he even cared about me I mean he abandoned me and my mother when I was born if he cared he would have stayed he would have seen me grow up he would have been around but he wasn't. if he cared he would have been there for us and now he just shows up after my mother died just great he really doesn't care heck he couldn't care less I swear even a toaster was more fatherly then him, No seriously I would even take that offer to be adopted by a toaster. the drive was quite long and it took a while to get the destination, FYI I didn't even know where we were going.


Sorry for the relatively short chapter I was just getting started then got writer's block and i couldn't think of the plot of this chapter, anyways Hope you guys are good, stay safe and healthy (did i just sound like my mum?)Btw there will be love interests, Suicidal Thoughts, And different languages in this book. For the different languages underneath they will be written in english so you can read them. GTG I'll try and publish the next chapter quickly!

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 18, 2020 ⏰

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