Chapter 4

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Trigger Warning. Might be triggering for some people. You have been warned.


"Jae" She nodded her head in a greeting.

"So what have you been up to these days?" He asked.

"Why?" She replied in an instant. "Let me guess you want to know how I'm doing after my mother's death don't you?"

"You read my mind Lee Rin." He said. "what did your mother leave you after her death. You must have gotten millions and millions of fortune right, why not share that with me? we can both get an income"

"I don't want to have any sort of relationship with you after what you did to my family" She replied with anger in her voice. The boys who were hiding in her purse could sense that she was trying hard not to lash out in anger at the person that just entered the room.


*Trigger Warning*

"So are you clear on what you have to do?" Jae said to the two 18-year old boys that were standing in front of him.

"Yes" They nodded in return.

"I will go in first and find a way to get her out and then you come in. Don't mess up the plan" They nodded in return.

Jae walked into his friend's house who he considered his sister but that was about to change.

"Lee Rin let's go to the carnival happening in town. I heard it has great food" He said and surprisingly without any hesitation, the girl agreed. Because she saw nothing wrong with going to the carnival

They walked into town wandered around a bit and tasted food. Lee Rin was having fun.

"Let's take a shortcut back home." Jae said leading her down a dark alleyway. Lee Rin's eyebrows furrowed.

"Jae I don't think that this is a familiar place." She said with a scared voice. There was a burning ache on her chest that she unconsciously rubbed.

"It's fine to stop being a scardey cat." he said.

Just then out of nowhere a figure jumped in front of their way with a knife held in front of them. Lee Rin turned around to run back but when she turned around there was another person in front of them.

"You'll make great money to us we can sell your body parts and earn a profit." The one in front of them said, the knife glinting under the moonlight. She created a fighting stance against the person in front of them.

"Jae let's get out of here together, okay?" she said. when she heard no response from Jae she looked at him and for the first time, she was even more scared than usual. It was then that she realized what she had gotten into.

"Hold her down" He ordered them. She was grabbed from both sides. She struggled against them.

"W-what are you doing Jae?"She asked. The person on her left handed Jae the knife.

"Now I want to ask you a couple of questions Lee Rin? If I think that they are to my liking then I'll think about letting you go, If not then I'll make good use of this pretty face " Lee Rin nodded vigorously.

"First question how did you know that Mae was the one who hid your sports clothes in the bin?"

"I-i overheard someone talking about it but I didn't tell anyone. I swear"

The Adventures of Tiny TanHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin