Our 1st Dare

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Amba: Hi everyone!!!

Everyone: Hi amba!!

Amba: We have some dares.

Drew: Really??

Amba: Yeah and it's for you.

Dawn: A dare for Drew!! Let's see

Dawn: A dare for Drew!! Let's see

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Drew: (●/////●)

Paul: come on!! Do it.

Misty: Finally!! You talked.

Drew: *walks towards May & give her a red rose*
May dear, It's not for beautifly, It's for you....

May: (●/////●) You're so sweet

Bonnie: cute!!! I ship it!! You two should kiss!!

May & Drew: Whhaat?????

Amba: hold on. Bonnie, did you just say that you ship it?

Clemont: yeah, but why are you asking??

Amba: look at the 2nd dare.

Bonnie: Yayyyyyy!!!! I'll do that but let me dressup first.

Amba: ummm... Ok.

Bonnie: How do I look?

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Bonnie: How do I look?

Max: Super cute😍😍😍😍

Bonnie: Awwwww!! Thank you Max. Now I am going to start...... My favourite Shipping is AMOURSHIPPING!!! Ash and Serena!!

Ash & Serena: (●///////●)

Bonnie: Next is Contestshipping!!!! May and Drew!!

May & Drew: (●///////●)

Bonnie: And the final 3 shippings are...... Ikarishipping( Dawn and Paul), Wishfulshippping( Iris and Cilan) & Egoshipping( Misty and Gary)!!

Dawn and Paul: (●///////●)

Misty: Me?? With that pervert?? No way!!😡😡

Gary: I'm not a Pervert!!😡

Cilan: ummm ok....

Iris: What a kid!!

Amba: But.... I want to add a shipping...

Ash: Ok!! Tell us!!

Amba:( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) It's a new shipping!! I don't know the name but the couples are ............ Aura and........Cookie!!!!

Serena: Wow!! Sounds cute😍😍

Amba: Yeah!!!! And Tysm Kalos_Queen_Sere for the dare!! Now, everyone go back to Sky's truth and dare book. I think that you all have a party there.

Everyone: Yes we have!! Bye!!

Amba: Bye everyone, see you in the next chapter!!

I hope you enjoyed!! Don't forget to vote and comment!!!
Bye guys!!

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