Im back!

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Hello again! Sorry I just kind of disappeared for like a year, I started feeling really unsatisfied with my content so I took all my stuff down and took some time to improve. I'm sure most people who were here when I started out have forgotten about me, but if you're still here, thank you. Thank you for sticking with me and providing, younger, stupid me with a safe and supportive environment to grow. I really wouldn't be the person I am now without you guys.

And if your new, welcome! I'm Red, I like to draw, though I'm extremely mediocre at it. I like Tangled, Epithet Erased, Pokemon, Warrior Cats, and a lot more things I can't think of right now. I tend to bounce between these interests, but these are some of the things you can expect to see in this book. I also have a...probably unhealthy amount of original characters, so you'll probably see them around too.

I'm trying to start posting more often and hopefully I'll start writing again soon :)

Also if I don't respond to PMs or comments, it's likely because Wattpad's acting up, it's been like that a lot recently. (Speaking of, could someone please get ahold of ruddergrl for me? I wanna talk to them about their warriors rp but I can't get through to them because, as mentioned, I can't PM or comment and I don't wanna get removed ;-;)

See you guys soon!

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